I want to <3 NY...


Established Member
I must know... Who here is from NewYork???

I am doing a one day trip to New York. I am flying in on the morning of July 8th and flying back out on the morning of July 9th. The only thing me and my friends actually have set in stone to do there is see the MSI concert on the evening of the 8th. (yeah yeah, its the 4th show I'll see of them this year. But I don't just enjoy them anymore, as their Ft. Lauderdale show was the last time I saw my little brother.)

We want to see some stuff while we are there and after the show go Bar hopping and then hop on the plane and head back here to FL. What are some Bars we should check out? I know there are 1000's of things to do in NY, but I have 24 hours to do them in, so I wanna know what HAS to be seen!

I used to work in NY but never got to sight see, the most I got to see was the destruction of the twin tours. (me and my dad got stuck in CT because of that shit, we drove Tractor Trailer for a living at the time). I got a jaded idea of the city because I only worked there. I despise the city, hate it with a passion. I need to fix this vision of the city and see what everyone is raving about.

So those in NY or nearby, what should I do while I'm there?
I highly recommend walking the Brooklyn Bridge. Yeah it's touristy, but it's a great view (plus the other bridges suck).