Quote: from whodailli on 8:53 am on Feb. 16, 2002
now listen here you sick sons of bitches, lay off the dogs/cats/whateva else, go back to eatin rice u fukerz....
shit i eva visit korea an see that kinda shit i'll start executing people on the spot.
Quote: from Captian Crazy on 6:22 pm on Feb. 17, 2002
I don't have a problem that people in south korea eat dogs. There human beings like us.
Well, maybe it's not a gross thing to you, but for many it would be. Read this and tell me just how clean a process it is.Quote: from Gallstaff on 12:03 pm on Feb. 19, 2002
well it's not some huge gross thing. They don't skin the thing alive. A clean shot to the head, wash it, skin it and chop it up. that would not gross me out. ... well maybe it would if the head was still on, but other than that it is just a big piece of my dinner waiting to be eaten.