i'm sad

I have a little story to tell:

When i was small somebody opened a little store that selled fastfood.Everybody was shopping there since it was incredibly cheap and it didn't taste all that bad....till one day somebody bought from there and saw a cat...he through some meat over to the cat.The cat didnt eat anything.That was extremely strange since the cat started runnin away when it smelled the meat.After he took the meat to the lab....well guess what they found out?The meat in their stuff was all from cats...almost everybody ate them,and didnt notice a thing.But! since eating cats is illegal over here these guys got arrested...i mean that the pic was sick because of the skinned dogs beeing next to some kids playing...
now listen here you sick sons of bitches, lay off the dogs/cats/whateva else, go back to eatin rice u fukerz....

shit i eva visit korea an see that kinda shit i'll start executing people on the spot.
Quote: from whodailli on 8:53 am on Feb. 16, 2002

now listen here you sick sons of bitches, lay off the dogs/cats/whateva else, go back to eatin rice u fukerz....

shit i eva visit korea an see that kinda shit i'll start executing people on the spot.

What the #### is your problem?In India cows should not be eat.Its a crime to slaughter a cow the way amerikans/europeans do.What the would you think if an Idian man comes to your neighbourhood starting executing people because they eat cow meat.Grow up.

(Edited by ShinJedah at 10:27 am on Feb. 16, 2002)
Yeah it's just culture. and drop the ghetto shit it's anoying. if it's meat people will eat it if it tastes good, it's not like cows have more feelings then dogs or cats do about being killed and put into a a big mac. As the saying goes

"we eat what we like!"

(Edited by Gallstaff at 10:23 am on Feb. 16, 2002)
Quote: from Captian Crazy on 6:22 pm on Feb. 17, 2002

I don't have a problem that people in south korea eat dogs. There human beings like us.

i agree its just the way they do things i mean the picture was kinda sick i felt sorry for the dogs but hey thats problaby what cows look like and nobody ever complains
we, the consumers, never get to see what the cows look like, during the process. we only get to see the nice ready-to-eat, shrink-wrapped packages of meat. the end-users are usually not concerned with the process, as long as they get the end-product they want.
yeah, thats true.

but eating meat from like cows is normal. people dont camplain about it. and even if they see the process they wont throw up. but dogs. that would probably make anyone hurl
I think you are making some big assumptions there SEGA DAVID.

People do campaign against eating meat, no matter what animal it is.

And I don't know about how desensitized you've become by the world, but watching the slaughter and butchering process would (to me) be quite revolting.
well it's not some huge gross thing. THey don't skin the thing alive. A clean shot to the head, wash it, skin it and chop it up. that would not gross me out. ... well maybe it would if the head was still on, but other than that it is just a big piece of my dinner waiting to be eaten.
Quote: from Gallstaff on 12:03 pm on Feb. 19, 2002

well it's not some huge gross thing. They don't skin the thing alive. A clean shot to the head, wash it, skin it and chop it up. that would not gross me out. ... well maybe it would if the head was still on, but other than that it is just a big piece of my dinner waiting to be eaten.
Well, maybe it's not a gross thing to you, but for many it would be. Read this and tell me just how clean a process it is.
god dammit, that was sick... why the #### didn't you at least put a warning before the pic instead of me clicking it before I read the next paragraph... USE YOUR HEAD DAMMIT!!!!!!