i'm sad


well i still think that the pics of the dogs was more gross than the cows.

its problaby becuase most ppl never heard of dogs being skined and used as meat (or saw it) i heard of it many years ago but this is the first time i saw a pic of it (the first post of this topic)
ANYTHING skinned/etc is x_x to me. i, as the end-user, like my meat product in nice shrink-wrapped ready-to-eat containers. btw, there are slaughter-houses where you can take tours and stuff, where they kill the cows right on the spot, before your eyes. then again, i do live in texas. anyway, from what i hear, they use this big hammer-gun type of thing and hit the cows in teh head from behind..and the rest of the process sounds really gross...althogh hearing about it did make me hungry and made me go to nearest mcdonalds afterwards.

i remember my old spanish teacher was all excited to tell us about his trip to the slaughterhouse somehwere in texas. he said, supposedly, the cows can smell death. or something. anyway, the cows somehow know they are about to get killed, so they all crowd in a corner until someone ZAPs them with them electric thingy. then they run toward the person who's gonna use the gun-hammer thing to knock them down. and supposedly, the adrelin (sp?) rush makes the beef taste better. yummy.