Originally posted by Supergrom@June 24 2002,20:15
i dont see how you compare xbox to a laptop. laptops cost a LOT more money, have a screen built in, and are made for completely different purpose. Im not a huge fan of the xbox, but im not a fan of the ps2 of gc really either. IMO, none of them are really worthy of purchase right now. In fact, in the next week im shelling out money for computer upgrades rather than buying a new console. Cheaper, more versatile, more games, better internet play, lasts longer, better graphics, backwards compatible, emulation, the list goes on and on.
Oh well, i dont agree with your bashing of the xbox, i think it has a lot going for it, but not really anymore than any other new console right now. I dont see why you bash the n64 either. Granted, the carts were a mistake, but they made the best of it, and i still play my n64. Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, both Zeldas, fzero, are all great games, along with others.
oh well, thats my opinion, just had to get it out.
Zelda 3 was better than both N64 versions of Zelda combined...talk about being overrated...