Lunar SSS & SSSC MPEG Releases

Mr Conan

Established Member
Staring a new thread to better keep track of patches for lunar. This first post will link to the latest patches.
I'll try to fix bugs as they are found, no promises as to timeframe as ive been rather busy lately.

Lunar SSSC MPEG Dub Patch v0.75

Issues Reported so far:
1. English audio clips (not movies) cause all sorts of crash and other issues, reverted back to jp audio for now.
2. After a battle, if a level is gained, the characters will flicker on the level up notice.
3. During a battle, entering the Command menu will cause characters on the screen to flicker.
4. After defeating the magic emperor, victory music continues to play for 10 sec?

It's been reported that this version can play to the end of the game.

Lunar SSS
Required Patcher: Sega Saturn Patcher

Sub & Dub Patches v1.5.1 (Dub 1.5.1a to fix Nall Audio Bug)

Known Issues:
1. After a battle, if a level is gained, the characters will flicker on the level up notice.
2. During a battle, entering the Command menu will cause characters on the screen to flicker.
3. No subtitles yet on the subtitle patch so its more of an Undub at this point, started typing these in and noticed a bug in my newly added code. Need to rewrite this....
4. For some reason on the dub release there were random crashes if the audio size differed from the original. v1.5.1a adjusted the audio files again and appears to be stable now. We will either RE it or redo the audio samples to be the same size as the originals to get around the issue.
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First MPEG dub patch released!
Could be bugs as a lot of the script was edited by hand, and there are now sections that were unreachable in SSS.
No one has played the game through, so consider it slightly better than a first beta.
Note that in this version I have allowed bromides to be both purchased (like the JP version) and found (like the US Version).
So yes, you can get duplicates of a few of them, but that does not cause issues.


All Editions of Lunar
- Fix any identified bugs.
- Finish Subtitle releases (Subtitle JP Audio, Subtitle JP Video)
- Fix character flickering at end of battles (erase length suspect?)
- Implement dialog corrections, thread over on lunarnet explains

Lunar SSS
- File load times are slower than original when the disc is rebuilt with mkisofs. Cause unknown.
- Dub version: Add audio and video. Debug why problems exist with certain files.
- Sub version: Add subtitled audio. Sub videos once video fix determined.
- Fix track 2 playing (toc fix suspected)

- Sub version: Add subtitled audio and video.
Awesome! But I'm having an issue.. the game boots..intro movie won't play.. pressing start gets to me to the title screen.. English audio work at the start of the game.. but I get a black screen the next movie being played... my mpeg card is a JVC version 3... I'll have to try another mpeg card that I have.
So cool! Thank you and the team for the hard work. It runs beautifully on the MODE, and the PSP audio sounds terrific.
Ok I figured out my issue of it not working for me.. I converted it to one .bin file after I patched it; it's working great on mode! Thank you for all your hardwork!!
OMG this is incredible!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! My Saturn MPEG card has been sitting idle for years waiting for this day to come 🙂
I need some clarification on the ripping process. The instructions says follow the redump guide, I'm completely lost since I've found one million redump guides. What should I be using?

They are so confusing I think I won't be playing this.
For Saturn, I believe either guide works, the one on the wiki is just a newer guide to lump in a bunch of other platforms for dumping.
(I honestly had a friend of mine help dump my cd for me as my plextor is long dead).

In the end, you should end up with tracks that match the following:

The reason i went with redump and xdeltas this time around is due to the complexity in patching all of the audio.
Thanks. On my first try I end up with a mismatched crc on track02. I will try other methods later this week. Too bad a clone cd dump isn't possible.
DICUI doesn't seem to work for me.

I'm still waiting for my Lunar disc, but I thought I'd try to rip another in the meantime to get used to it. Get the below errors:


Then if I enter an offset (which I'm not even sure is right, tried to work it out through isobuster like a guide I found suggested) I get the below:

This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 0, SubCode: 0]
Failed to get write-offset
This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 0, SubCode: 1]
Failed to get write-offset
Retry 1/10 after 10000 milliseconds

I'm wondering if my drive just does not support the necessary functionality or I'm screwing up the offset. Given the errors before I even get to the offset bit I suspect the former.
DICUI doesn't seem to work for me.

I'm still waiting for my Lunar disc, but I thought I'd try to rip another in the meantime to get used to it. Get the below errors:


Then if I enter an offset (which I'm not even sure is right, tried to work it out through isobuster like a guide I found suggested) I get the below:

This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 0, SubCode: 0]
Failed to get write-offset
This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 0, SubCode: 1]
Failed to get write-offset
Retry 1/10 after 10000 milliseconds

I'm wondering if my drive just does not support the necessary functionality or I'm screwing up the offset. Given the errors before I even get to the offset bit I suspect the former.
They list the compatible drives here. Its a pretty limited list. DiscImageCreator: Optical Disc Drive Compatibility - Redump Wiki