Need help with burning


OS: Win XP

Burner: Mitsumi CR-4804TE

Program: Fireburner


FILE "guardheros T01 Mode1 2048.iso" BINARY

TRACK 01 MODE1/2048

INDEX 01 00:00:00

POSTGAP 00:02:00

FILE "guardheros T02 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


PREGAP 00:02:00

INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T03 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T04 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T05 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T06 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T07 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T08 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T09 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T10 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T11 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T12 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T13 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T14 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T15 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T16 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T17 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T18 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T19 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T20 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T21 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T22 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T23 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "guardheros T24 Audio 2352.mp3" MP3


INDEX 01 00:00:00


As is, I loaded the cue with Fireburner and burnt a CD to test it in the Saturn to see if it would even recognize it as a game CD, and it didn't. It did, however, play the audio tracks in the control panel.

1) I was told that due to my burner, I should convert the iso from mode1/2048 to mode1/2352. Is this necessary, and if so, how exactly should I do it with iso2raw?

2) Should I convert the MP3s to WAVs?

3) Are there any particular settings I need to set up in FireBurner? Or, do you know of any better program I could use?

That's about it..I'll edit if I remember something. Thanks ahead of time.
Well, swap--but I haven't modded it yet for it to be swappable. I just plopped the CD in there to see if the Saturn would at least register the burn as a game disc in the control panel; I'm not trying to actually boot the game up, yet.

Yeah sounds lame, but I just wanted to test it. I'm going to open it up and tape the little switch over soon.
yeah, i thought about changing the mode1 2048 to raw to, but then i didn't have to, i have a ricoh burner, and i read some faq, how my burner wouldn't be able to read the burnt mode1, and the first thing i tried, was using cdrwin, but it would always give me some error, so then i got ezcd95, and then i just burnt, and there was no problem, able to read the cd, and games play great!

using WinMe, THE HORROR (actually dual booting, xp and me)

I can assure you that you need to convert it to mode1/2352 ... or else the track1 won't be read on the saturn... nor on your pc's cdrom, btw have you tried to insert the cd-r onto your cd-rom drive??? if yes, could you see all the files??? if it is detected as an audio cd, I've almost 100% sure that it's because you burned it at 2048 bytes per sector...

Other important thing is: DO NEVER PATCH RAW ISOS mode1/2352) with SATCONV !!!

It will "corrupt" the image... well actually, it doesn't corrupts, the problem is that our Mitsumi CR-4804TE , doesn't correct the ecc/edc codes when burning, so you must patch the iso while it is in mode1/2048 form, and then use iso2raw, to make a working raw image, ready to be burned!!

And at last (but maybe not least) you should pre-convert mp3->wav ...
mal: When I put it in, it doesn't even say anything at the Saturn menu.

Barracuda: When I put the cd (now presumed to be a coaster) into a cd-rom drive of my computer, it in fact..well, froze
. I have, in fact, patched it with SATCONV--but didn't convert it afterwards to mode1/2352 with ISO2RAW.

I just converted it to 2352 now (and patching it to US region while in 2048) with ISO2RAW, making a .raw file afterwards. Should I add a postgap, mode 2 sector, and/or scramble it during converting? What do I do with the raw file, rename it to .iso or just burn it onto the CD as is?
When using ISO2RAW just do this:

iso2raw input.iso output.raw <- forget all the other options...

Now that you have a raw file, you can delete the iso file (just make sure you have it backed up somewhere...), and then rename the raw file to .iso , after that run segacuemaker (it works with sega cd, doesn't it??) if everything went OK, you should be able to create a .cue file. just for being sure, verify that something like this is in the CUE file (open it with notepad):

FILE "xxxxxxx.iso" BINARY


INDEX 01 00:00:00 SCueMaker should automatically

POSTGAP 00:02:00 detect it as 2352!!

FILE "Track 02.wav" WAVE


PREGAP 00:02:00

INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "Track 03.wav" WAVE


INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "Track 04.wav" WAVE


INDEX 01 00:00:00




As I said before it's better to pre-convert mp3->WAV....

If you got your cue like this, give it a try and burn it...
FILE "guardheros T01 Mode1 2352.iso" BINARY

TRACK 01 MODE1/2352

INDEX 01 00:00:00

POSTGAP 00:02:00

humm, you renamed it?? it doens't needs to be a so large filename (it isn't wrong, though), a simple gh.iso would suffice...

just burn it!! if u want, use a cdrw...

if you can see the files on it, then burn to a cd-r...
Okay so I burnt it and put it in the Saturn. At the console menu, it says "checking disc format..." and then doesn't display any message. Does this mean that it burned properly?

I burned it on Fireburner, at 4x with Disc At Once 96 and Autocorrect's the log:

Thread1: Executing

Recording device: MITSUMI CR-4804TE

Firmware version: 2.4C

Recording method: Disc-at-once 96 (Dao96)

Recording Speed: 4x

BURN Proof: Disabled


// Burning - data is being permanently written to CD


Thread1: Setting Write Parameters

Thread1: Reading Disc Info

Thread1: Start LBA is -11753

Thread1: Processing Lead-in

Thread2: Executing

Thread1: Processing Track 1 Pause [150 Sectors]

Thread1: Processing Track 1 [Mode1] [33084 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Mode1/2352 to Mode1/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 2 Pause [150 Sectors]

Thread1: Processing Track 2 [Audio] [10365 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 3 [Audio] [16540 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 4 [Audio] [6398 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 5 [Audio] [8108 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 6 [Audio] [7317 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 7 [Audio] [8319 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 8 [Audio] [6522 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 9 [Audio] [9275 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 10 [Audio] [6092 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 11 [Audio] [14206 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 12 [Audio] [8721 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 13 [Audio] [7784 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 14 [Audio] [15110 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 15 [Audio] [9507 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 16 [Audio] [8961 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 17 [Audio] [5847 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 18 [Audio] [5412 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 19 [Audio] [7807 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 20 [Audio] [6168 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 21 [Audio] [9374 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 22 [Audio] [11899 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 23 [Audio] [6840 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Track 24 [Audio] [10550 Sectors]

Thread1: Converting from Audio/2352 to Audio/2448 on the fly

Thread1: Autocorrecting sub-channel

Thread1: Processing Lead-out

Thread2: Write Error @ Sector 243788

Thread2: Sense Error: ILLEGAL_REQUEST (INVALID FIELD IN COMMAND PACKET) (0x05 0x24 0x00)

Thread2: Synchronizing Cache

Recording complete

It changed all the 2352s to that right?
humm, it seems to be correctly burned, but get rid of that version of fireburner! get 1.06 which is IMHO far better... and has much more features...

What makes me think is that:

Thread1: Processing Lead-out

Thread2: Write Error @ Sector 243788

Thread2: Sense Error: ILLEGAL_REQUEST (INVALID FIELD IN COMMAND PACKET) (0x05 0x24 0x00)

Thread2: Synchronizing Cache

Recording complete

... although I think it will work on the saturn, as the console has detected it as a saturn cd...

now you need to prepare for the swap method...

just to make sure, why don't you download SSF (a saturn EMU) it is slow, but at least you could see if the game is booted... download here.
Originally posted by IBarracudaI@Dec. 16 2002, 9:01 am

just to make sure, why don't you download SSF (a saturn EMU) it is slow, but at least you could see if the game is booted... download here.


I suggested that once and the thread quickly evolved into 'why can't I get SSF to work?!?'
Originally posted by mal+Dec. 15 2002, 4:04 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mal @ Dec. 15 2002, 4:04 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-IBarracudaI@Dec. 16 2002, 9:01 am

just to make sure, why don't you download SSF (a saturn EMU) it is slow, but at least you could see if the game is booted... download here.


I suggested that once and the thread quickly evolved into 'why can't I get SSF to work?!?'

Hey, you gotta give me more credit than that :
: besides, I just got SSF to work and the CD I just burned--audio and everything. It runs really slow on SSF, but at least it works yeah?

Does this mean that the CD is likely to work in a swap-method Saturn?
If you patched it to your country area while it was on mode1/2048 form, I'm sure it will work.

Just to be even more sure, I don't you check the SSF settings, as see if it is emulating your country code e.g. if you want to run the game on an US saturn, make sure that ssf is configured to "America, Canada, Brasil", if it still boots ok, then you've done it! just learn the swap technique...
Originally posted by 6pt7@Dec. 15 2002, 12:18 am

...but I haven't modded it yet for it to be swappable. I just plopped the CD in there to see if the Saturn would at least register the burn as a game disc in the control panel...

Damn, what is wrong with this picture? OF COURSE. An unmodded Saturn will always see a burned game as an audio disc. Is this somehow not obvious? I'm very surprised you think it would recognize the disc, it doesn't have the copyright ring like an original game does, and that's what a Saturn without a modboard always looks for whenever you insert a CD and close the lid.