Need help with burning

And another thing I'm perplexed by: I don't think it's EVER, AT ALL, necessary to convert a mode1/2048 ISO to a raw mode1/2352 ISO. That's just the most useless thing I've ever heard of... Sorry, I really don't mean to sound mean - but AFAIK there are no (or very, very, very few) CDRW drives that have any problem with burning a Mode1/2048 followed by audio tracks. Strange... I think 6pt7 is being made to go to a lot of unnecessary trouble. With reference to my previous post, I strongly suspect that everything was OK to begin with, that the first disc 6pt7 burned would in fact work on a modded Saturn (or an unmodded one when using the swap trick) - is it really possible that everybody missed the fact that a correctly burned game will nevertheless not be recognized by an unmodded Saturn? Or did _I_ misunderstand something?

Just kinda perplexed now...
Originally posted by Taelon@Dec. 16 2002, 4:13 pm

Strange... I think 6pt7 is being made to go to a lot of unnecessary trouble. With reference to my previous post, I strongly suspect that everything was OK to begin with, that the first disc 6pt7 burned would in fact work on a modded Saturn (or an unmodded one when using the swap trick) - is it really possible that everybody missed the fact that a correctly burned game will nevertheless not be recognized by an unmodded Saturn? Or did _I_ misunderstand something?

Just kinda perplexed now...

That's why I first asked whether he was swapping or using a mod.

After that, I kind of get lost because I've never had to deal with swapping. ???
hehe, good point Taelon...

But what I can tell is that iso to raw conversion IS required for his burner, because I own one of those too (at least as the same serial number...), it is able to burn mode1/2048 iso files, but when burning mixed-mode cd's (data track + audiotracks) it requires that the iso is in mode1/2352...

I think that's because when writing on disc at once, it can't change the writing mode from mode1/2048 to audio/2352 ...
Well anyways, I don't mind the extra trouble as long as I can get it to work right?

By the way, I'm going to find out if it works this afternoon..going to dig up an original game to test the swap. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
In the immortal words of Samurai Showdown,


The burn/mod/swap was a success. Thanks to everyone on this thread that helped me out, I appreciate it. Now I can enjoy GH once more.

Again, thanks much.
I followed this post for burning panzer dragoon zwei up until the actual burn, learning about saturn burns. I converted mp3s to wavs and the iso to raw and renamed it to .iso again but When i changed the cue file to burn mode to 2352 it wont accept it. it takes 2048.

Do you suspect that changing the music files and the iso to raw is enough for a succsesul burn? I am using cdrwin with a plextor cdr-rw drive on win xp. (black cds) The only reason I havent tried burning yet is that I am downloading popful mail.

Any tips would be appreciated. And yes I read some faqs. Just double checking with any saturn burn veterans
humm, to start off with you probably won't need to convert the iso mode1/2048 (cooked) to mode1/2352 (raw)...

Just convert mp3->wav, and leave the iso in mode1/2048, then run segacuemaker, open the cue file in cdrwin, and burn it...
I will give that a try, thanks.Sorry if I seem so newbie with dumb questions. All my freinds depend on me to figure these things out since they cant. I couldnt even teach a freind to use newsgroups. I have to Download, and burn everything.
I got it to work. Some faq was telling me that I needed to burn the games as raw and that BS was confusing me. I had no idea all the mp3s were for was compression. Everything is fine. Just had some bad info holding me up.
well congratulations...

I just didn't understand why were you have probs with mode1/2352 (raw)....

But if you were "succesfull" (I think this isn't correct) you just forget it...