New Jersey's Governor is Gay

New Jersey's Governor is Gay

A lot of the reason most people are gay, is because of past trauma. Uncle bob, cousin soandso, etc. did shit to them as a child. This is not ALWAYS the case, but it usually is. It's basically one of the things that can happen to someone. Others will rape ppl, others will be unable to even have any sexual encounter at all, etc. Just how it works.

Also, let gay people marry eachother, more power to them. but DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT let them have kids in any way. Having two fathers kissing eachother and cuddling and shit growing up is gunna fuck little johnny up in the head, no doubt about it. If they want to have a "kid" they can do other things like dogs, cats, whatever floats their boat but DONT let em have kids
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

In my psychology textbook, I read that Binobo chimpanzees engage in homosexual activities (not exclusively) even though there are plenty of chimpanzees of the opposite sex. My psychology professor had a long discussion about homosexuality and she told me that it's uncommon for a person to become gay because of some early childhood traumatic experience. Even though there might be some sicko parents or priests that molest children of the same sex, they probably have other psychological problems instead of being gay.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Usually it's the whole rape/molester thing that comes of it but often times it leads to atleast homosexual tendencies (could be bi, or have the urge but never act). Either way, gays w/ babies = nono. I am cool with whatever they do besides that.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Hmmm... Maybe I should video tape my fiance's dogs then? She has two males and one female. The young (unfixed) male ONLY mounts the other male, he has no interest in the female.

My own two dogs, both female, also go after one another, but there's no male dogs around. I've always figured that was just a dominance thing.

There have been studies that have shown there *IS* homosexuality among the animal kingdoms. Here's a recent National Geographic article on the topic. It is my belief that homosexuality is nature and evolution's way of preventing over-population. But that's just my theory. Though here is a good, well-documented article that would support my belief.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

dogs are not's not liek testing a new skin product on one. Our minds are completely different....

aids and other diseases are what I think help keep the population down. Homosexuality seems a weird way to do it, but it could be. I respect yer theory. Only prob. isthat I dont think ppl are born's a learned behavior, not natural.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Originally posted by Pearl Jammzz@Aug 15, 2004 @ 03:32 AM's a learned behavior, not natural.

Homosexuality was originally classified as a mental illness, does anyone know why they changed that? (I don't know, I'm asking)
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

My question to all you people who say 'it's a learned thing - you're not born gay' is this: how the hell do you know? How can you presume to speak for other people like that?

Additionally, are people 'born straight'? It's not like you're thinking about sexual behavior at all when you're a very small child... those thoughts don't even develop until much later. Continuation of the species you say? Fine, but that's not always good for survival, either.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Just thought I'd toss in that humans and dolphins are the only two animals that have sex for recreational enjoyment, instead of for reproduction or dominance (or out of sheer boredom and stupidity). I'm not quite sure what that implies, but it's an interesting fact to consider.

New Jersey's governor? I care as much about what he did as I did about Clinton's affair; I don't give a damn. His obligation to the public is to be governor, and his performance as such is the only thing by which I will judge him. Affairs are the business of those involved and directly affected (like the wives), and nobody else's. However, if the governor feels he will no longer be able to do his job as a public servant adequately because of his personal life, then he is being reasonable by stepping down, but that particular action will rightfully remain on his record as a shortcoming.

I'll say something I've come to think about homosexuals, though. I don't care about two people of the same gender having sex, or getting married, or raising kids, or even being affectionate in public. I'm all for people being happy and true to themselves, so long as it doesn't bring any kind of harm to others. It's just that something about the way some homosexuals act...mostly men but also some women...rubs me the wrong way. I accept those folks, but I don't really like them simply because of the personality traits they possess almost certainly because of their sexual preference.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Originally posted by SamIAm@Aug 14, 2004 @ 10:57 PM

I'm all for people being happy and true to themselves, so long as it doesn't bring any kind of harm to others. It's just that something about the way some homosexuals act...mostly men but also some women...rubs me the wrong way. I accept those folks, but I don't really like them simply because of the personality traits they possess almost certainly because of their sexual preference.

Are you talking about drag queens? Because that for me is the one aspect of homosexuality that I do not understand.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Originally posted by SamIAm@Aug 15, 2004 @ 01:57 PM

Just thought I'd toss in that humans and dolphins are the only two animals that have sex for recreational enjoyment

Reread the thread for a counterexample.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

born straight? In a way, yes. If people weren't, we wouldn't survive, haha. As for some being kind of an odd ball, I can see that a lil as a way to keep the population down.

One thing I dont get is that a lot of homosexual women I have talked to, they do it cuz they like girls more, it's like a best freind and a relationship. What's also weird is that girls are attracted to girls, ask any of em. They see a girl and they are like "wow, she's cute, she has a nice body, etc.". Doesn't mean they wanna drop skirts and go at it, just kind of how it is. For guys, no such thing. We can tell for the most part wether sumone is a good lookin guy, or if someone is ugly beyond belief, but that's about it. I dont wanna go as far as to say women have a more natural tendencie to be gay, but girls are naturally attracted to eachother a little bit. If you dont believe me, ask someo f yer female friends...they have found other girls physically attractive before.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Wow, lots of PhD psychologists experts in human sexuality here in the forum.

One thing is, nearly NOTHING is hardwired in humans from birth (that's one of the reasons it takes so long for a human to become adult), and high-level sexual behavior is one of those things. Seems only low-level stuff, like humping and rubbing are instictive.

People don't know sex=pregnancy until someone tells it to you, or you see it yourself. If we knew from the womb we need to do it for having kids our society would be veyr different that it is now.

During the course of one's life a child will gradually develop his/her sexual preferences patterns, and that's not simply about likeing dudes or gals. It's if you like 'em tall, if you like 'em fat, if you like them shaved, or if a plain hole is enough for you. There are some researches, but it's yet to be proven if genetics have some influence over this.

There are tons of bi/homosexual people out there that never suffered a trauma, so it's hard to point the reasons behind their preferences. Usually traumas lead to other problems, like pedophily and other less healthy sexual patterns.


Oh damn, I too played the psychology expert!

But, essentially, I take that the sum of all experiences in someone's life, and how they perceived them, will affect their sexual behavior when they grow up.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Originally posted by antime@Aug 15, 2004 @ 01:53 PM

Reread the thread for a counterexample.

I seem to remember that bit of trivia coming from the discovery channel (my friend and I used to watch it all the time in middle school), but after reading that national geographic article I see that it's inaccurate. Still I would be surprised to learn that what I had said was altogether unfounded, although it may have simply been disproved since I heard it.

EDIT: On a mostly related note, I remember that one of my cats used to frequently mount the other one, and both were males (the former has an undecended testicle, so he still produces testosterone). I don't believe any penetration actually occurred, just the positioning and the neck-biting. The other one would usually resist before long. In this case, I am entirely sure that it was about dominance. When the first cat wasn't mounting the other one, he was tearing him to shreds. It's funny, when they get fed in the same dish, the dominant one eats first while the other one stands by watching, waiting for him to finish.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Originally posted by M3d10n@Aug 15, 2004 @ 03:13 PM

Wow, lots of PhD psychologists experts in human sexuality here in the forum.

Well, I took psych 101 last semester (you know what that's worth). But it was taught by a psychology professor, and she did say that studies of twins have suggested that sexual preference may very well be genetic. That's hardly conclusive, though. It's something that just has to be studied more.
New Jersey's Governor is Gay

Dogs can be so gay at times. I've seen male dogs screwing each other no problemo on the streets, and I know someone who has a dog that likes to fuck anything that's stuffed (from animals to pillows), other whose dog is a leg-whore, and another one's dog that is always seeking for something around people's crotchs. I wonder what kinda training that one got...