Nintendo Hardware and Software Sales for Q1 of 2005


Staff member
Here is a list of how much of what Nintendo hardware and software was sold in 2005.

# GameBoy Advance Hardware - 0.98 million units
# GameBoy Advance Software - 11.67 million units
# GameBoy Advance New titles - 16 Japan, 27 US, 41 Other
# Nintendo DS Hardware - 1.38 million units
# Nintendo DS Software - 5.32 million units
# Nintendo DS New titles - 22 Japan, 12 US, 12 Other
# GameCube Hardware - 0.26 million units
# GameCube Software - 4.31 million units
# GameCube New titles - 6 Japan, 7 US, 8 Other

Thanks to the Magic Box for the news.