Established Member
Originally posted by gameboy900@Jan 25, 2004 @ 10:00 PM
Without any messy unlocking of the cpu (NOT RECOMMENDED IT CAN KILL YOUR CPU EASILY) the only thing you can (and should) do to overclock is raise your FSB speed. You will never reach 400, that's impossible. 200 is what you can acheive easily. At that rate your cpu will be around the 3200-3400+ mark. Heat shouldn't be a problem if you're running a heatsink and fan that can handle a 3200+ cpu. Raising your FSB over 200 generally isn't a good idea as it makes the system unstable. Also you have to make sure your RAM is able to keep up. For 200 FSB you need ram rated at 3200 or more.
I'm currently running the 2500+ Barton at 200FSB which makes it a 3200+ cpu. My temps are only 3-4 degrees C higher than what they would be at 2500+, even at full load. And all this with a regular Volcano 9 heatsink and fan running at half speed (bout 4200 RPM).
Unless you plan on using watercooling you won't be getting a stable system above a 215-220 FSB ever. The other more imporntant thing you can also tweak once you reach 200 is your ram settings. If you got cheapo generic ram there probably isn't much you can do. But if you got some high-quality (preferably two sticks so you can take advantage of Dual Channel) RAM you can easily lower the settings to get more out of them.
A good test for all this I found is to install 3dMark2k1, 3dMark2k3 and AquaMark3. I run each one in succession once, write down the result. Then repeat that 2 more times and average the 3 values for each program. I then use SiSoft Sandra to measure my RAM throughput (again three tests averaged). I do this for every setting change so I can see if what I did imporved any performace and by how much. The other benefit is that since these programs put ALOT of strees on your PC it will let you know fairly well if the PC is stable. If any of the programs crashes or freezes your system is not stable and you need to back off on the settings.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Jan 26, 2004 @ 03:31 AM
I thought the 2600+ Barton was already at 333 FSB. At any rate, thank you for your advice gameboy. Mushkin RAM is good enought to do some tweaking with right?
Originally posted by Scared0o0Rabbit@Jan 27, 2004 @ 05:00 PM
AS skipped over 4, because a major portion of their market is japanese, and the number 4 if I remember my japanese right can also mean death.
Originally posted by Alexvrb@Jan 28, 2004 @ 01:02 AM
Speaking of which, is your memory rated for 200Mhz operation, because synchronous RAM/FSB operation is really preferable. Would be much faster.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Jul 23, 2004 @ 02:45 AM
Does anyone know offhand what I can set this to before it blows up? Right now it is at 170x11.5 and Windows is saying it clocks at 1.96Ghz. VCore is at 1.65.