Phantasy Star vs Final Fantasy

Originally posted by Alexvrb@Jun 19, 2004 @ 05:49 PM

You're not making sense. First you say that PSII is NOT harder, and then you explain that it took you months (for some reason) to beat PSII. Not that it matters, as "months" and "weeks" are completely arbitrary. I said that PS1 is harder (when I pointed out that PSII is not as hard as the original PS), and I'm sticking by that. The first-person dungeons are harder to navigate. PS2 dungeons are generally much easier because they are overhead. That doesn't mean PS1 is longer, just more difficult. I don't really know how to explain that in more simple terms.

Schi: I agree that the game isn't that hard. There are only a few dungeons that are really challenging, and not because of the monsters. However by the same token, tough monsters alone don't make a game hard. Any dolt can overlevel their characters. I only said it would be hard for Mountaindud, as he'll almost certainly resort to getting maps off the net by the Dams, actually probably sooner. That's why I suggested PS IV, as it is an excellent game, but should be easy enough for the likes of him.

Sorry, what I meant to say was "PS harder than PSII?"
You're not making sense. First you say that PSII is NOT harder, and then you explain that it took you months (for some reason) to beat PSII. Not that it matters, as "months" and "weeks" are completely arbitrary. I said that PS1 is harder (when I pointed out that PSII is not as hard as the original PS), and I'm sticking by that. The first-person dungeons are harder to navigate. PS2 dungeons are generally much easier because they are overhead. That doesn't mean PS1 is longer, just more difficult. I don't really know how to explain that in more simple terms.

I kind of agree with you, but most of PSII's dungeons are pretty difficult with all the identical looking warp tubes. You're not that likely to actually die if you're well stocked on mono and dimates, but it's easy to get frustratingly lost.
I'm not really sure if you could compare the two series by today's standards. To make an accurate judgement on this, I think you have to wait till the newest single-player-rpg installment comes out and then compare it to the latest that Final Fantasy has to offer. To actually compare Phantasy Star IV to the latest Final Fantasy simply is too difficult, given that they were meant to target entirely different audiences and uses a style of gameplay and story-telling that was native to mid-90's rpgs.
PSIV really lead the pack in RPGs back then though, with its anime cutscenes. Okay, I guess Lunar did it first, but PSIV was one of the first to take it to that level on a cartridge format.
Originally posted by Sundance_2@Jun 20, 2004 @ 09:25 AM

I'm not really sure if you could compare the two series by today's standards. To make an accurate judgement on this, I think you have to wait till the newest single-player-rpg installment comes out and then compare it to the latest that Final Fantasy has to offer. To actually compare Phantasy Star IV to the latest Final Fantasy simply is too difficult, given that they were meant to target entirely different audiences and uses a style of gameplay and story-telling that was native to mid-90's rpgs.

However, I have yet to play an RPG that can MATCH PSIV's style of gameplay and story-telling.

As for comparing the next single-player installment....

As much as I'd kill for one, it most likely will not happen. If you have played PSIV, (better yet, played ALL of them), you'll see that PSIV ended the story quite nicely, and it'd be tough for them to make an original PSV. What don't want any cliches here. That's one thing that made/makes the PS games so great. They were original.
If they did a real RPG in the PSO world, I'd be happy with that. You wouldn't end up facing Falz, but it seems like Ragol has a lot of backstory to explore.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Jun 20, 2004 @ 02:30 AM

You keep insulting me!!

EDIT: I bought a lot of genesis games today, among them were Phantasy Star II, III, and IV. I hope PSII isn't too hard for me! :rant

I'm just kidding Mountaindud. I'm confident you'll be able to beat it without pouring over too many downloaded maps! 😀

it290: I know, but its much easier for people to recognize different areas - so if you had to map it out, it would make any dungeon doable. Especially once you're able to save anywhere 😉. As for PS1, the dungeons are easy, and super-easy to map - until you get to one that teleports you. Then even mapping it becomes a bit complicated. Not to mention that I don't seem to have much trouble with the monsters in PS2 dungeons, as a rule. So I think that overall PS1 is a bit harder, even if it is shorter. I actually only find myself resorting to mapping in extreme dungeons or when I have to find all the items without using a guide.