Originally posted by Alexvrb@Jun 19, 2004 @ 05:49 PM
You're not making sense. First you say that PSII is NOT harder, and then you explain that it took you months (for some reason) to beat PSII. Not that it matters, as "months" and "weeks" are completely arbitrary. I said that PS1 is harder (when I pointed out that PSII is not as hard as the original PS), and I'm sticking by that. The first-person dungeons are harder to navigate. PS2 dungeons are generally much easier because they are overhead. That doesn't mean PS1 is longer, just more difficult. I don't really know how to explain that in more simple terms.
Schi: I agree that the game isn't that hard. There are only a few dungeons that are really challenging, and not because of the monsters. However by the same token, tough monsters alone don't make a game hard. Any dolt can overlevel their characters. I only said it would be hard for Mountaindud, as he'll almost certainly resort to getting maps off the net by the Dams, actually probably sooner. That's why I suggested PS IV, as it is an excellent game, but should be easy enough for the likes of him.
Sorry, what I meant to say was "PS harder than PSII?"