
Originally posted by alpharogue@Aug. 21 2002, 2:22 am

Good game; I have it for the PSX and Saturn. It is frusterating though that I cannot figure out what the hell to do after the shooting range in Beyond Coast. I have played the damn thing for years trying to figure it out! No American translation; figures.

There is a walktrhough at:


Have fun! (while I try to complete the script dump on this one...)
This game intrigues me, although I don't know any Japanese at all. I think I may buy this game off of Ebay sometime between the end of November and the beginning of Februrary.

Is this game still good even if you don't know Japanese?

Of course I will buy the Saturn version of this game, but are there any differences between the Saturn and the PSX versions of this game. I am wondering out of curiosity.

I also liked Snatcher alot for the Sega CD.
Excellent cyberpunk followup to Snatcher. I just wish I knew how to get through it since I have the Japanese Playstation version. I bought it in Japan in '96 and ever since, I still play it here and there. It is funny how both the main characters look like Mel Gibson and Danny Glover from the Lethal Weapon movies. Great game!
What IS it with you guys and Tomb Raider? I bet if Lara Croft were a muscle-packed soldier wrapped up in weapons and ammo, you'd think differently about the game... Dammit, quit bashing TR fans (I'm one of them)
After all TR didn't become so successful because of nobody...
But, to stay with the topic, which is POLICENAUTS and not Tomb Raider, I still don't know what Policenauts or Snatcher really are. RPGs? Action/adventure games? Shooters?

I keep thinking in part of Virtua Cop and in part of this Mini-Skirt Police thing that came out for the Saturn also... Hehe.
Originally posted by Spiderman@Aug. 30 2002, 1:44 am

Here is a better player guide for policenauts!


It has got everything to help you get through the game!


I think that guide/walkthrough has sealed the deal for making me want to buy the game. Now that I know I can get through the game without getting stuck.  Cheers to the person or people who made it.

Cheers to you Spiderman for the link!  
In the year 2010, mankind made it's first great advance into space with the completion of the first human space colony "Beyond Coast". Three years later, 5 policemen, charged with the responsibility of maintaining the security of these colonists, arrive on the "Beyond Coast". Getse Backer, Joseph Sadaoki Tokugawa, Salvatore Toscanini, Ed Brown and Jonathan Ingram. These 5 policemen, the Earth's elite, formed a new force of Space Police know as "Policenauts

This is one of the most requested games to be translated on the Saturn and maby on any system.

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