PS2 2D Textures and Whatnot

I'm currently playing the original Shadow Hearts on the PS2, and contrary to lukewarm reviews it is actually quite a good game. The story is more original than typical RPG fare, the music is interesting, and the combat system is quite engaging. Anyway, as anyone who played the game knows, the game world uses 2D backgrounds and 3D characters. Hooked up to my TV using component video, I notice that the quality of the 2D backgrounds is comparable to late PSX games. I'm just wondering: did a lot of developers during late 90s/early 00's just port their PSX titles to the PS2, or did were they not aware of how to fully exploit the 2D capabilities of the PS2? The 2D backgrounds in SH look slightly better than on PSX, but I assume that's because of the more generous hardware of the PS2. I'm not all that technically savvy when it comes to PS2, but I am curious.

BTW, the backgrounds don't detract the experience at all IMO. They are well drawn and nicely detailed. :)
There could be a marriad of reasons... possibly they tossed PSX plans for the game and finished it as a PS2 game but never updated the images still using the much lower res PSX images.

I am to lazy to get into other reasons, a lot are just lazy, I highly doubt it was inability to get a handle on the PS2 hardware as it very user friendly and 2D backgrounds wouldn't be that hard for a developer, let alone an RPG developer.
I notice that the quality of the 2D backgrounds is comparable to late PSX games.
I'm pretty sure PSX could pretty much already pump out any 2D background that a 480i set is capable of displaying. Aside from VRAM size, I think PS2 doesn't really have much of an advantage here, so 2D backgrounds comparable to late PSX games is exactly what you should expect.

I highly doubt it was inability to get a handle on the PS2 hardware as it very user friendly
I've heard just the opposite: that PS2 is the hardest console hardware to program effectively since Saturn (and my brief forays into PS2 docs seem to back this up). Case in point: there are a bunch of early PS2 games that have the vertical resolution cut in half because developers didn't have time to figure out how to do a 480-line display without bogging down the GS. Things have improved since then, but not because the hardware is easy to work with.
Cybie bitch smacks me again!

Hrmm, well I have been misinformed... damn me and my bad information collection. Its just like the damn reversed motor dealy!

See thats why you scored as a higher geek then me! naha!