Wood-paneled stuff like the 2600, car interiors, and VHS tape organizer-box things? Looking back on that style, it's just tacky. I think in a few years, the silver/metalic/clear design that most electronics have will change again and will feel the same way, tacky.
G4 Cube was nice to look at, but the potential fire hazard...yeah, not the best machine. The generation 2 iMacs are nice looking, yes, but isn't that what you're paying for when you buy a Mac, compared to any of the mass produced PC clones? Just an extra $1k for style, I think that sounds right. But yeah, if I had the chance, I'd take one.
In the future, I want to see the style change to the N64 "Atomic Purple" look. Imagine, all of your electronics, encased in a clear, purple-ish, shell...