Saturn 50/60Hz switch


I´ve a european Saturn. I want to add a switch to change between 50 and 60 Hz.

Is that easily possible? I also added a 50/60Hz switch to my Mega Drive.

I don´t want to change the region only the 50/60Hz

I use satconv to convert all the games to europe.

I want to start a game in 50 Hz as european game... then when it´s loaded I want to swich to 60Hz.

That works fine on my Mega Drive/CD

The only site I found was about building a US/JAP switch.

Has anybody a idea how to do that?
This site contains most of the info you'll need:

Ignore the initial part (about country jumpers), scroll down to find the 50/60Hz information. Adding a 50/60Hz switch is either straightforward or somewhat fiddly, depending on which version of the Saturn mainboard you have.

Pin 79 of the large 160-pin chip is the one that selects between 50Hz and 60Hz (+5v for 60Hz, 0v for 50Hz). In many Saturn board versions, there's a convenient trace to cut and a point you can solder to; in others, you have to physically lift the pin (desolder it from the board) and solder a wire directly to it.

Today I had time to try this out.

After a little fight with my saturn to get the PCB board out I soldered it and YEAH it works brilliant!!

Thank´s a lot for the site info.