Saturn Mags

In the UK we had at least 3 Saturn magazines at different times.

The official Sega Saturn Magazine was the longest running one which had a great enthusiasm for all things Sega, and it was always full of huge features showcasing the best games and it had a decent demo disc on occasions. Of course because it was official some of the review scores were a bit higher then they should have been.

The excellent Sega Power became Saturn Power. This had a good sense of humour and more trustworthy reviews then SSM, although its features weren't as good and its occasional demo discs were poor.

SP was the first to die out of the two when games started to dry up. SSM continued for a bit longer by covering imports and arcade games but it died a few months after the Dreamcast was first announced. The last issue featured some pictures of the early DC demos as well as previews of the few games that had been announced for the DC at that point

I remember seeing another one but I never bought it and I cant remember its name, I don't think it lasted long.