SEGA Saturn 27th Anniversary Game Competition

My main original game entry:

Sky Blaster

Simple endless mode shmup (was planning campain but thx to my laziness and covid have not finished it).
Enemies drop items on their deaths. Those can be either gun upgrades (gun has 3 levels, where you start with level 1 gun), extra lives or extra bombs. You can carry up to 9 lives and 9 bombs.

Edit: I have uploaded source code to github if you want to check it out GitHub - ReyeMe/SkyBlaster-Saturn: Shmup game
Update: Fixed ingame music being too loud

D-Pad to move around
A to shoot
B to use bomb

Game also supports use of the 3D pad, so you can control your ship with joystick instead :)

Special thanks to:
Random for music (Random Stuff on SegaXtreme discord)
AnriFox for cloud art (friend of mine)
Ponut64 for PoneSound

How high of a score can you get? ;)


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SaveRepack utility :

What it is :
- SaveRepack utility on PC side
- Save Data Manager utility on Saturn side

Where to download :
- PPCenter :: Pseudo Saturn Kai -> pskai_release_20211113.7z
(Extract everything and then run tools -> SaveRepack.exe)

What it does :
- Allow to import save data from PC to Saturn or emulator
--> Share your game status, records or race ghost etc with friends or publicly on forums etc
--> Copy save data from emulator to Saturn

How to use :
1. On PC side, select save data files to import
2. Press "Start" button
3. Run sdm_repack.iso file on Saturn side
4. Use "Save Data Import" feature to

Sales Points :
- Easy to use : run GUI utility, select files to import, push a button and the Saturn utility is ready to use.
- Don't require any exotic hardware : minimum requirement is one CD-R and to be able to perform swap trick.
- ODE-compliant : it's not an utility tailored only for XYZ ODE but instead designed to be compatible with everything.
- Emulator friendly : compatible with Yabause, SSF, Kronos, Yaba Sanshiro, mednafen etc without the need of any modification of file format.
- Can import save data to Saturn internal backup memory, memory cartridge (official or Gamer's Cartridge) or even Floppy Disk Drive.

Credits / Misc. Informations :
Please credit both @privateye and me (@cafe-alpha) for this project.
Privateye suggested to submit SaveRepack in this contest. However around 10 years ago I sweared to never participate in a Saturn coding contest.
So privateye proposed to buy 1% of the shares of this project for the generous offer of an handful of skittles. As this project was initially shared half-half between privateye and me (privateye found the bugs, I fixed them and also coded a few more bugs), privateye became major shareholder of the project and consequently I lost the right to refuse submission of this project here :)


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The moment everybody has been waiting for..... my entries into this year's contest.

For translations, I present to you ....


A game that has taken me most of the year attempting to break down all of the crazy ways that it handles text. It compresses, it recompresses, it archives, it slices, it dices, it bakes, it contains 3 different font sets, over 10 text rendering sub routines to handle different tasks and it even uses its own encoding similar to shift jis to really screw with the mind.

As of right now, the games text is filled with mostly the translation available by Glenn Rudy III on GameFAQs Wachenroder - Translation Guide - Saturn - By gar3 - GameFAQs.

This here is the phase one part of the translation process, which is to get text in the game, and make sure all parts can be translated.

Phase two will consist of rewriting how text is rendered to remove the awfully blocky and limited 16x16 fixed width font, and adding in a more suitable VWF to add in more text.

Phase three will then entitle scrubbing the translation, retranslating, and properly giving characters and items their correct names and descriptions.

This package will include 1 of my utility submissions. The Sega Saturn Patcher.

Attached is a special build 1.95, built with the contest entries in mind. If any updates are needed to 1.95 from this point till after January, it will be bug fixes just to ensure compatibility purposes.

The Sega Saturn Patcher is a multi-level Patching utility that lets you create patches of your hacks as well as apply them at a per file level for maximum compatibility with the various cd formats., rip your CDs, add Sega RPG Fans Netlink 14.4kbps modem patch, provide an advanced region free utility that rebuilds the IPBin to allow for all regions, and many more features.

My final entry is also a utility, and that is the Saturn Save Converter. This handy dandy little tool allows you to drop in your save file on top, and covert it automatically to a wide range of emulators and formats including BUP. Need to pass a save from Mednafen to a team, and they are all on a different device? Do not worry, the Save Converter has you covered.

If you are torn on which utility to go with please pick the SSP. The converter is being used to bring awareness to its existence more so than "competing."

Happy New Years everybody, I hope you enjoy all the labor I have put into these projects to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.


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Here is my submission. I expanded upon our entry for last year and fixed the issues I had with it.

The game is called Kriss Mingle, and is a prototype for a mall Santa dating sim. We only got to writing 2 in-game days, and not all of the assets were done on time, so you might need to use some imagination further in the game.

Programming: Me
Graphics: Dreamcast Freak
Music: Sharkhat

You can find the source code here: Cobra! / Kriss Mingle


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The Gugnriffon II Localization Team is proud to announce the official public release of our Alpha 0.01 Gungriffon II Localization Patch!

At current, the team is quite small, as in myself, Samuel “The SSG” Myles and Anthony “Knigh0fDragon” Randazzo. We have a few other members of the hack/translation community aiding us in a limited capacity at the moment, but hope to grow the team further as we move towards the Beta phase of the project.

This project has its origins in early 2019 when my coding-illiterate self tried making headway for the first time. Since then, and with the excellent knowledge provided by Knight, implementation of the patch has truly begun. While we may still be in our infancy, this project has passionate and knowledgeable members willing to see it to completion by the end of 2022!

Alpha Stage Progress:

Script translation and localization: Complete 12/29/2021
Implementation of translated script: In Progress
Closed Alpha Testing: TBD

Beta Stage Progress:

Translation of dialogue from com chatter and end stage score: In Progress
Translation of Japanese Image files: In Progress
Re-recorded audio/dialogue: TBD
Re-creating image files in English: TBD
Implementation of new audio/dialogue and images: TBD
Closed Beta Testing: TBD

Official Members: As of 12/31/2021

Samuel “The SSG” Myles
  • Text Translation and Localization
  • Image Translation and Localization
  • Resident GG2 History and Lore Expert
  • Coding and Implementation

Anthony “Knigh0fDragon” Randazzo
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Resident Patch and Translation Guru
  • Coding and Implementation
Currently this patch only shows changes to the text seen on the Scenario Selection screen for Mission 1.

- Stay tuned to The SSG’s twitter for future updates on the project. -

- Suit up pilots! WW3 isn’t going to fight itself! -


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Xenos is MIA with exhaustion, so I'll be submitting in his place barring an update from him in the next 2 hours. This year we have developed Blue Skies, a plane flying game. Fly around an archipelago in five courses to test your piloting skills. Avoid crashing into the water or the islands while improving your course time. Fly through a yellow waypoint to start a flight course.

D-Pad Up/Down - Pitch (Down/Up)
D-Pad Left/Right - Yaw/Turn (Left/Right)
L/R Triggers - Roll (Left/Right)
A - Throttle up to 200%
B - Throttle down to 0%
Y - Change the radio station

Concept, design, and art by Xenos Interactive.
Engine by Emerald Nova

Featuring the following music tracks:
  • Track 3 - Aviator - Shadowmask
  • Track 4 - Smooth Papaya - May Rosencratz
  • Track 5 - Globetrotter - May Rosencratz
  • Track 6 - Celestial Love - May Rosencratz
  • Track 7 - Do a Barrel Roll - Shadowmask
  • Track 8 - Crystal Blue Sands - Random Stuff
  • Track 9 - Shine So Bright - Random Stuff
Download here: Blue Skies by Xenos-Interactive


Please note, the collision physics are still in progress, and there are certain areas where they will not be consistent.
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Here's my homebrew entry:



This is a continuation of porting Final Fantasy. This year it you now have the ability to create your own party, encounter battles, and even fight or run. Currently only the FIGHT and RUN commands are implemented. Characters start with basic gear already equipped. There is no way to heal though, so you will simply be able to wander around and fight until you get a game over.

Since the NES ROM is being used, you will need to provide that. What's in the included BIN file is a dummy file. You will need to use something like CDMage to replace it with an official US ROM of the NES game. Any good uncompressed dump of the game should work. See this post from last year for hte approriate version of CdMage:

Balloonatics is a 12-player Balloon Fight clone for the Sega Saturn. Requires two 6 Player Adaptors for full twelve player support.

The game makes use of Anamorphic Widescreen so your TV should be set to 16:9 mode.

" let's make a 2d balloon fight with multitap support. I shot lead programmer\upper management guy." Slinga, Aug 2003

"well i can surely help!!!! i would love help out, slinga bow down to @vbt :D he knows SBL -- i can surely code in the 2d gfx!" @mrkotfw , Aug 2003

"I'm working on a 12 player balloon fight. .... And don't expect anything for a loooooooooooooooooooong time." Slinga, Nov 2004

"You should update your avatar from 1 to 6 => 1 to 12 ;)" @vbt, Nov 2004

"My 12 player balloon fight clone is coming along slowly." Slinga, Dec 2004

"I couldnt get that ISO you linked to copy a save, it was playing some weird version of balloon fight?" - @malenko sometime in 2020 when I gave him the wrong ISO.

(screenshots manually stretched to 16:9)


Notes for Judges:
- put your TV in 16:9 mode
- the game runs in high resolution 480i mode as opposed to 240p in case you need to adjust your recording equipment
- there's a long (~60 seconds) boot time
- I didn't have time to implement enemy AI. You can play the Bonus Round (under Story) one player. Versus requires at least two players
- Press start to navigate menus and skip cut scenes (SSMTF logo, ending, credits, etc)
- Press X to change the level. This was a debugging feature I accidently left in. Whoops. Try it out in versus mode to see all of the maps. There are 11 (including 3 identical bonus levels).
- The PCM audio sounds horrible. Will take time to fix. Sorry.
- There is a non-issue where the SSMTF logo screen does not render correctly on real hardware. The screenshot I included here is from mednafen where it does render correctly. Working on fix.
- After selecting Story or Versus you are at a team select screen. The color of the balloon you are under is your team.
- To get to the ending score at least 85 points in story mode
- Please try to play with another person as the joy of the game is shoving other players around
- Be wary of the water...


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Well, I'm out of time, so here's the demo for cubecat. I may have bit off more than I could chew adding
so many features at the last minute. As such several things aren't fully working for this release, and everything is lacking
polish. I'll probably release a patched up version in the next couple weeks

known issues:

-rat AI is kind of broken
-collision detection issues on some objects
-crash in particle system, had to disable most particle effects, including the targeting guide
-crash caused when yarn interacts with too many objects? (keep it clear of the log in level 3)


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The entries this year are:

Original Games
01 - The Lighthouse of São Bento do Oeste – sansigolo​
02 – ZYGO - JBeretta​
03 – Fly Vs Fly – DamageX​
04 – Cloth Simulation – SuperReye​
05 – Red Moon: Lost Days DEMO – sansigolo​
06 - The Garfield Master – ndiddy​
07 - Everlasting Summer – Jameson​
08 – 15 Xtreme – Jameson​
09 – Hellslave – XL2​
10 - Sky Blaster – SuperReye​
11 - Kriss Mingle – Cobradile​
12 – Blue Skies – Xenos Interactive​
13 – Final Fantasy – TrekkiesUnite118​
14 - Balloonatics - slinga​
15 – CubeCat – 7shades​
16 - Sartist - Ervilsoft (Late Entry)​
Hacks Patches and Translations
01 - Dragon Ball Z Idainaru (Legend) – pitito​
02 – Bulk Slash – Danthrax​
03 - DeathMask - A Murder of Crows​
04 - Fire Pro Six Men Scramble – malenko​
05 - Fire Pro Blazing Tornado – malenko​
06 - Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Preview v0.12 - Mr Conan​
07 - Grandia 0.9.6 – TrekkiesUnite118​
08 - Sega Ages: I Love Mickey Mouse/I Love Donald Duck 0.9.1 – TrekkiesUnite118​
09 – Wachenröder - Knight0fDragon​
10 - Gungriffon II – The_SSG​
01 - Converter – SuperReye​
02 - ponésound – Ponut​
03 - SaveRepack – cafe-alpha​
04 – Sega Saturn Patcher – Knight0fDragon​
05 – Saturn Save Converter – Knight0fDragon​
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Current issues include:
  • Unable to patch Disc 2 of Deathmask
    • Knight0fDragon has provided an SSP for use to create an image. Awaiting A Murder of Crows to approve it for upload on the thread.
  • Unable to Patch Gungriffon II
    • I have been provided a patched image. SSG is awaiting assistance from Knight0fDragon for fixed patch file. In the mean time, the judges have access to a a patched image.
    • The updated version of the SSP provided in Knight0fDragon's entry resolves this issues. This has been uploaded for the judges.
  • Fly Vs Fly, Boots on satiator but no controls, stuck at opponent selection screen
    • Probably originally occured on Satiator with Japanese 3D pad set to digital mode. Probably does not occur with Satiator using standard Japanese controller. Likely a controller identificaiton issue, but as of now, avoidable with standard controllers.
  • Hellslave, music file issue on satiator: "fmt size in 'TRACK01.wav' must be 16 (PCM), not 18"
    • I have been informed that this indicates wav is likely not 16 bit. In general, cdda tracks must be 16 bit and 44.1 kHz
    • XL2 has updated his entry with a single bin/cue to solve this issue.
  • CubeCat, There are 48 kHz wavs in here, Satiator will only play 44.1 kHz
    • 7shades has provided an updated build to solve this issue.
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Sorry, I thought the submission time has until mid night... :( Can I still submit?

My submission is "Sartist" which is a painting game for the Saturn, as far as I know there aren't really any games in this genre for the system, so I decided to make my own. I managed to include some nice features that I don't recall being present on games like this in other systems, with the Saturns power a lot more can be accomplished. The main idea was to include a gameplay mechanic where you have to make and sell paintings, but I ran out of time so this is only the painting part.



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I've posted an addendum for Final Fantasy. This fixes some very annoying bugs I noticed that could lead to unplayable experiences:
  • When exiting battle the world map position was becoming disconnected with the scroll layer position. This caused you to be able to walk where you shouldn't have been able to and other odd issues.
  • When encountering a battle with more than one enemy type, enemies were overwriting each other in the buffer. This could cause it to appear as though you were being attacked by enemies that weren't there.
  • Pre-emptive Strikes weren't working.
  • When naming your characters if you cancelled out, the current letter wasn't being reset properly.
  • Various buffers and variables weren't being reset/cleaned up causing unpredictable behavior.

This is version 0.03, last night I submitted 0.0.2:
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You all made it incredibly difficult to rank the entries this year. Just a lot of amazing work all around. As you know, all nine of us judges will have our scores added up for the final tally later this week. Please do not interpret a lower rank as being indicative of bad work. I enjoyed each and every one of these entries, and want to see every ongoing project continue to get developed and eventually finished. Please keep up the outstanding work. Dr. Nova, thanks again for including me as a judge yet again, and I would love to judge next year if you will have me. :)

I will be releasing a more than one hour video this coming Saturnday morning to expand my thoughts and show the world what you all have accomplished in this year's contest.

In the meantime, here are my rankings.

Original Games
1: CubeCat
This, Hellslave, and Blue Skies could easily tie for first. Thinking about which of these three is "the best" was a painful process. I think 7 Shades made a large amount of strides since last year's demo, narrowly making it worthy of the top spot in my view. The new skyboxes, reflective water graphics, level features, new movement options and improved 3D models blew me away. But what really sold it was the sunset/lily pad environment switch at level 3. Also, the original music fits perfectly. This is commercial quality. Can't wait until this becomes a full length platformer.

2: Hellslave Deathmatch Demo
A fan favorite among the scene. As expected, XL2 did not disappoint this year. The new maps are insanely good looking, especially the foggy forest, frigate ship, and the god damn sun spinning around the space ship. But the real kablammo moment here is fighting up to seven bots. Having up to eight characters in a match is insane (4 humans max, with a combination of bots totaling up to eight characters). Lighting effects are clutch as always, and the draw distance is ridiculous. The framerate drops when more players are added, but it still looks 144hz compared to Perfect Dark splitscreen.

3: Blue Skies
Where to begin with this one: Can we talk about the vibes? Is that word overused now? Either way, pleasant and tranquil vibes all around. I love the GIANT 3D archipelago, combined with the wonderful sprite based plane. The level and course design had me hooked, the flight physics feel great and satisfying — and as Kunitaka Watanabe would say, "THE MUSIC IS AMAZING." Holy crap, what a soundtrack. You guys got a whole team to make the game engine, then another team to make these wonderful tunes. Makes it feel like an easy going Sega game, fit for Outrun's stereo. Great work, please keep it up.

4: Sky Blaster
Hell yeah, a shmup!! The physics felt like dragging the ship through molasses at first, but once I realized how that jives with the rest of the game, I was threading bullet needles like no one's business. The graphics are a delight, the enemies are fun to fight, and I really enjoyed the original tunes. Will definitely love to come back for a return trip if you choose to make this a full length game. Great combination of 3D and 2D, something the Saturn does oh so well.

5: Balloonatics
I REALLY want to get 12 people together to play this at its full potential. Also, you've been working on this since 2003??? That is some dedication my friend. Balloon Fight is my favorite NES game, so perhaps I'm a bit biased in saying I love this entry.

6: The Garfield Master
Hell yes. Let good memes live on. Great block puzzle port, with a Monday hating twist!!

7: Fly vs Fly
This is something I did not expect to enjoy nearly as much as I did. The style of the music is like hearing a choir of insects reminisce on the dandelion fields of summertime. The combat, the two player action, the quotes at the end screens — what you have here ties together perfectly. Like a good Warioware minigame you unlock after beating three bosses in Mona's stage.

8: Sartist
What a great idea, and so well executed. The soft piano soothed my soul with every terrible creation I drew here. I hope to see more people take this on and maybe someday we can have an exhibit of what wonderful paintings we made with the Sega Saturn. A Prifun owner's delight.

I love this game. It does need some work with game breaking glitches and graphical flaws at boss fights, but the level design is very well thought out. I appreciate the ability to backtrack and explore new parts of levels when acquiring new power ups. Please keep this up. The felt looking sprites are a joy.

10: Red Moon
This demo is rippling with potential. Great worldbuilding here, and I love the art style. You have a neat and interesting plot, and of course, giant fighting robots!!

11: Lighthouse
What a fun brief visual novel. It could use some music, but the whole story was a great way to spend an afternoon. Great use of real photographs and hand drawn sprites.

12: Everlasting Summer
The Saturn scene needs more English dating sims in the same way modern hipster restaurants need more plates. Thank you for filling this void. While I understand this is in early stages of development, seeing a 2014 game get ported to a 1994 console is nuts. I will play through the whole thing on Saturn if you finish it.

13: Final Fantasy I
Great progress on this port from Trekkies. I love that you're properly getting all the assets to work on Saturn hardware as opposed to settling for an emulated port. This is boss, and doing battle was a great experience this year.

14: Cloth Demo
Wowzers! What a great show of 3D prowess from Reye. It's not much of a game perse, but the technological achievements here are more than noteworthy. Great work.

15: Kris Mingle
YES! Very good to see this come back. I hope your 2022 allows for more free time to work on this game. It's such a great concept.

16: 15xtreme
Pony puzzles! A good throwback to the SegaXtreme discord community. This is as necessary as the Garfield memes.

1: Bulk Slash
Holy crapoli. The team of 30+ people who worked on this just redefined what Saturn fan translations are capable of. Not only is every box of text now in English, but the hundreds upon hundreds of lines were redubbed with the help of talented volunteer voice actors and actresses. (And they actually sound good too!) Don't let the small amount of dub hating ultra-weeabs get you down, this is incredible work.

2: DeathMask
I believe this translation (detranslation?) project is the first of its kind for the Saturn community. While the game itself is no Radiant Silvergun or Panzer Dragoon Saga, being able to play this interesting work of art in English on my Saturn was a ton of fun. I got pretty deep into the game and had all English FMVs despite this being not technically 100% done. Great work to the team converting these video files and injecting them to the Japanese Saturn version of Deathmask. I hope to see more projects like this in the future.

3: Wachenroder
YES. It's about time someone started this. A translation patch for this seems to be almost as requested as Princess Crown. And wow, what a dark plot line. I know you said there's still some work to be done with getting everything to fit right and re-translate a few bits here and there, but it really felt like a fully playable game when I sat down with its first few hours of content. Great work.

4: Sega Ages: I Love Mickey Mouse English 0.9.1
Hell yeah. You even brought over the western covers! Quackshot probably benefits from this translation the most with its required reading and inventory menus. Any platformer lover with a Saturn needs to play this patch.

5: Fire Pro Blazing Tornado
If memory serves correct, this is the first time Blazing Tornado was summited to the SX contest. It seems to be pretty much done, though I understand Malenko still has a few more things to patch in.

6: Fire Pro 6 Men Scramble
Lots of noticeable progress since this was entered last year. I'm still bad at wrestling games, but I do love playing Malenko's patches. There are still a few more things left to translate, but a LOT of this is done and ready.

7: Grandia English 0.9.6
The patch is basically done. Last year, Trekkies had all the text translated, but not the cutscenes. This year, the cutscenes are cracked and subbed. Apparently, there are still a small amount of bugs and typos, but one could easily play through the whole thing now and have a great time. It's ranked this low because we are being asked to grade based on progress, and while it's an incredible patch, not much has changed since last year. Thank you for the incredible work on this project.

8: Lunar 2 - English Patch Preview
We are so happy to see this project get announced. What a great surprise! It's clear that lots of work is still in order, but if Mr. Conan's first Lunar patch is any indication of how Lunar 2 will go, we're in great hands.

9: DBZ Spanish
Spanish speakers rejoice! The Dragonball game largely marketed at Spain and South America is no longer in French for some reason. The cutscenes are still in Japanese though. Still, very great work here.

10: GunGriffon II
Sam, I ranked you last because one line is patched in, but PLEASE finish this. We are all pretty damn happy to see that GunGriffon II is getting patched, and it would only make sense if YOU were the guy to do it.
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EDIT NOTES: After clarification from cafe-alpha, I have amended my Utilities rankings.

Second post because of character limit.

1: PoneSound
It sounds like this is very very useful for the homebrew developers. Thank you for expanding possibilities for this scene.

2: Sega Saturn Patcher
Patching would not be possible without a patcher, and this makes it pretty damn easy for anyone to patch their disc images. Heck, it even works with actual discs!

3: Save Repack Utility (cafealpha)
This lets you convert save files on the PC side and convert them into a disc image that allows you rip save files from the burnt disc to your Saturn. That's pretty metal. This also talks to my Satiatior, and lets me dump the console BIOS to its SD card. Holy hell.

4: Reye’s Object Converter
Always good to have more options for Saturn development, especially when it comes to the 3D stuff.

5: Saturn Save Converter (Knight)
Holy crap! Look at all those save file types!!

Again, great work everyone.
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4: Save Repack Utility (cafealpha)
Sadly, I have Psuedo Saturn Lite, my cart cannot take advantage of this. But expanding the options for Saturn hardware is crucial.

This was made to remove the need of an extra hardware when wanting to import Saturn save data, so Psuedo Saturn lite is enough to work and in fact Psuedo Saturn is not mandatory for this to work : a modchip or swap trick will do the job.

Usage example when playing a game on emulator and want to continue it on real hardware : use this to generate an iso file containing the saves to import, burn the iso file, run it on Saturn and then use Save Data Import feature to copy the saves to Saturn. Unlike other technics available so far it doesn't requires any extra hardware and is user friendly.

Anyway, thank you for ranking me. I'm still waiting for the rankings from the previous Saturn contest I participated in so that's a step forward in comparison with that time.
This was made to remove the need of an extra hardware when wanting to import Saturn save data, so Psuedo Saturn lite is enough to work and in fact Psuedo Saturn is not mandatory for this to work : a modchip or swap trick will do the job.

Usage example when playing a game on emulator and want to continue it on real hardware : use this to generate an iso file containing the saves to import, burn the iso file, run it on Saturn and then use Save Data Import feature to copy the saves to Saturn. Unlike other technics available so far it doesn't requires any extra hardware and is user friendly.

Anyway, thank you for ranking me. I'm still waiting for the rankings from the previous Saturn contest I participated in so that's a step forward in comparison with that t
My apologies, that was an oversight on my part. I'll see if I can give this a proper look tonight, definitely before my video. Thanks for pointing this out, and for expanding Saturn goodness to the world.

After successfully dumping emulator save files to my Saturn's internal memory via a burnt disc, and dumping my console BIOS to the SD card of my Satiator, I have amended my rankings. This is one hell of a tool.
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