Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

It still seems interesting to me that both MS and Nintendo are using PowerPC and ATI.
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Maybe they can even re-release some of the existing games with bug fixes (like the bug in Star Wars 32x that causes it to crash on the last level).

Holy hell... you actually made it to the last level of Star Wars 32x? Next you're going to tell me you can beat Eternal Champions (Genesis version) with all the characters too.
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Getting to the end of Star Wars 32x isn't too hard if you do 2-player and have a competent gunner. 2-player mode gives you an extra shield and an extra set of lazer-fire.

It took me a long time to get past the Super Star Destroyer even once. Maybe a month. But I practiced everyday and now I can get past in 1 or 2 tries usually. The secret is to learn the locations of the proton launchers and destroy them while they're still out of site. The level after that on the death star sometimes requires the cheat code to stop the timer. We're usually just need about 10 more seconds to kill the last (of 40? I think) ties. The secret to that level is to veer immediately to the right and go down the trench, and stay in the trench the entire level. Except for one tower you have to destroy, you're never bothered by the shooting towers again. And since the tie fighters can fly right through bulkheads, there's never a shortage.

The last level (Death Star II run) isn't too hard. I remember for a fact completing the level once before. But now everytime I get there the game crashes at the same point.

If you don't have a friend for 2-player, just turn the second controller onto turbo-mode (so it auto fires without having to be pressed), and place the cursor in one of two locations:

1. My old recommendation was in the bottom right or left corner. Tie's often appear there when they were following you from behind, and you'll blow them up.

2. My new recommendation is to place it about half an inch diagonal or sideways from the center (your cursor). This kind of makes it like you have a wider-shot, and can hit more things you're aiming at even if you're not aiming directly at them.

I beat the good Eternal Champion, but then there was another bad Eternal Champion I had to beat after that, and I did not succeed. However, I know how to execute a "cheese" move to perform a CineKill on any character relatively easy. It's fun if you're just in a mood to watch all the videos.

Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Sweet, I'll have to give that a shot. But as for EC, I meant the Genesis version -- it's a good bit harder than the SCD version.
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Slight update for those who haven't heard yet. In addition to Warhammer Online, Sega is now co-publishing Matrix Online. I didn't see either of these coming, so I guess they win. link

Edit: Beta Signup.
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

I really hope it's not the Matrix thing...

It's obvious it won't be as big as most people think it will be. Whenever an announcement is announced, people will always get their hopes up, and will always complain when it isn't as big as they hoped. And we've already been told that hardcore Sega fans won't be as interested as casual gamers, so the odds are against us.

However, I'm still hoping for something interesting.
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Ah crap.. I'm stuck in class while all this goes on. I don't know if I can survive a whole block period stuck in Study Hall. Damn... I need to know this announcement...
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

reX, I disagree. Sometimes companies can surprise you. Nintendo said they had some big announcements, though they didn't hype it as much. And they turned out having the "biggest" press conference yesterday. New realistic Zelda, DS and a new console.

What time is the announcement supposed to be made?
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

everyone speakes of the 'game gear2'

DC specs ...

no backlit ...

15Gb HD ...

downloadable games ... like a iPod ...

(All these speculations are stressfull :hehehe: )
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Originally posted by Mask of Destiny@May 13, 2004 @ 12:23 AM

8AM Pacific time, so about 40 minutes to go.

8AM? I might have to stay up for that then. 😉
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

Originally posted by Reinhart@May 12, 2004 @ 02:33 PM

everyone speakes of the 'game gear2'

DC specs ...

no backlit ...

15Gb HD ...

downloadable games ... like a iPod ...

I doubt it would be that, why would they be making games for the DS and the PSP.
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

anyone know of a site to get the breaking E3 news.

kinda like all the Mac sites do with MacWorld?
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

I've been going to

which is just

somebody needs to be the designated member

to post the big news back here thought
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

gamespot didn't stream the Sega press conference. I was hoping they would so I could watch it too (say the big 3). Oh well, guess we all have to wait for it to be posted somewhere.
Sega's "explosive" E3 announcement

It's hard keeping up with E3 on the Nintendo front. So many goodies comming out.

I put alot up already.

So check that out while waiting. 🙂