Stupid question here!

Call me a newbie but where the hell I can download Sega Cue Maker exept Lodger's site (incomplete files there).

I formatted my PC and I lost my files & the damned google won't helps enough....
Searching these forums (fora?) is a good idea too.

Here is Lodger's software page.

Are you sure the files are incomplete? Are you following the instructions?

I just downloaded version 1.02 and it seems to work fine.
Yes Mal. Sorry if I listen stupid but I try it before and all vesrions from 1.02 are incomplete. There is a rar inside the rar which asks me for it's second file (I have rar wants r00). Any ideas?
Hey, it's no trouble.

They are uploaded in a strange way. Here goes...

You need to download Part One and also Part Two.

Extract both zips.

Then place the resulting .rar and .r00 files together and extract.

Then you will end up with a .CAB file. This is the last file to extract.

And there you have it.
I thought it might not like external links, but it was worth a try.

However, I just tried downloading them directly and it seemed to be OK. Strange...

BTW for converting country codes, just use Satcov (DOS or Win32).
OMG!!! I'm really stupid!!!
Yes there are no incomplete files. I unzipped only the one of the two so there was "missing files" (in my head probably).

Also I didn't know that there was a windows version of SatConv.
I saw the file at the Misc section but never bothered downloading it cause v.1.2 worked perfectly for me

Well thanks a lot Mal I'm in your debt!