Team Cassini

Cassini Homepage

Release Slated For 7/12/04

From Snail: July 11, 2004

Wow, who could have known when I was asked to start work on this project,

that it would have such an impact?

Appearntly everyone but me 😀

In the first week of its unpublished release,

my WinXP version of GiriGiri went global!

Litteraly tens of thousands of copies were downloaded!

It was so furious in fact that I nearly lost my ISP due to bandwidth use.

Well, having learned from that, having done more work, and having made

some preperations this time around, I am proud to announce, a new release.

Whats new:

01. This project is now called "Cassini".

02. Decrypted ALL of the coding.

03. Decompiled and added the source codes to the package.

04. More translation.

05. Removed the BIOS.

06. Thanks to work by MiC, updated the FrontEnd.

07. More performance improvements.

08. Updated the games.dat compatability list.

09. Updated the "Complete" games list.

10. Added HELP support.

11. Set up download sites.

The newly formed "Team Cassini" consists of:

Barnito - Advertising, Hosting, Distribution

Lockshaw13 - lists and compatability

Slacker - lists and compatability

Iceman50 - resource acquisitions

SigmaX6, DWBrett - Beta testing

Snail - Coding
Originally posted by So called legal disclaimer

2. GiriGiri is no longer supported by Sega. It is considered "Abandonware". While Sega may no longer exist as it has been bought out by Sammy, and they did not renew their copyrights, and the laws are those of Japan, it is still unclear as to the actual legal condtions of GiriGiri. As such, to avoid potential legal issues, I have taken the project down a differnet path. Having changed over 40% of the code and at least 3 major features, this project is now known as "Cassini". Cassini is an exploritory probe of Saturn 😉 From here on the people working on this project will be referred to as: "Team Cassini"

Excuse me, but I really don't like your methods : hacking an existing emu and telling it's yours is a bad thing ...

And I'm curious to see what are those 3 major improvements you're telling about : reverse engineering a program never leads to a clear source code, so I really doubt that it has something to do with the saturn version of the original version ...

40 % of the code changed ? That's just :bs
They also claim that there are no available Saturn docs or schematics (that'll be news to antime, I expect), that Gav's hacking had something to do with removing a registration requirement, and that both Sega and Gav encrypted GiriGiri's code. :looney
WOW the negativity... I assure you we DO have a full source, and that we are going to continue to develop it. as for legality, sega told us not to distribute the BIOS, and we have complied... We need support, not negativity....

Originally posted by barnito@Jul 12, 2004 @ 08:02 AM

as for legality, sega told us not to distribute the BIOS, and we have complied...

Did that come from from someone in tech support or the legal depertment?
Cassini Released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cassini Homepage

Release Slated For 7/12/04

From Snail: July 11, 2004

Wow, who could have known when I was asked to start work on this project,

that it would have such an impact?

Appearntly everyone but me 😀

In the first week of its unpublished release,

my WinXP version of GiriGiri went global!

Litteraly tens of thousands of copies were downloaded!

It was so furious in fact that I nearly lost my ISP due to bandwidth use.

Well, having learned from that, having done more work, and having made

some preperations this time around, I am proud to announce, a new release.

Whats new:

01. This project is now called "Cassini".

02. Decrypted ALL of the coding.

03. Decompiled and added the source codes to the package.

04. More translation.

05. Removed the BIOS.

06. Thanks to work by MiC, updated the FrontEnd.

07. More performance improvements.

08. Updated the games.dat compatability list.

09. Updated the "Complete" games list.

10. Added HELP support.

11. Set up download sites.

The newly formed "Team Cassini" consists of:

Barnito - Advertising, Hosting, Distribution

Lockshaw13 - lists and compatability

Slacker - lists and compatability

Iceman50 - resource acquisitions

SigmaX6, DWBrett - Beta testing

Snail - Coding

I just looked at the source, and as I expected, it's a 500Kb asm file which is unreadable ...

Good luck in adding new stuff 😉

And stop bragging about it, adding a frontend isn't making an emulator ...
I must be missing something... you dissassembled it, and now you call it the full source? 😱

That is *really* useful for any developer...
I downloaded the "Cassini Core Emulator Source Code" a few minutes ago, and I maintain what I say : it's just a 500Kb asm file ...
From Snail


As a whiney complainer here with nothing to add to the support of the progress of this project, why do you waste peoples time posting? If you truely belive the work being done is worthless, then produce something better, or quit your bitching. We seek helpful people not those trying to thwart our efforts.

I think you'll find that Runik is currently working on something better - an emulator that's his own work rather than a rip off of someone else's.
Originally posted by mal@Jul 12, 2004 @ 09:15 AM

I think you'll find that Runik is currently working on something better - an emulator that's his own work rather than a rip off of someone else's.

Thanks mal 😉

Yabause is a real open source saturn emulator, go there and see what this means.

As a whiney complainer here with nothing to add to the support of the progress of this project, why do you waste peoples time posting? If you truely belive the work being done is worthless, then produce something better, or quit your bitching. We seek helpful people not those trying to thwart our efforts.

Why don't you look over there to my own project ?

Too bad I know what I'm talking about heh 🙄
Great source code - tons of un-disassembled "db"s and there might even be a bit of the runtime included! IDA is great and all, but are you going to reverse-engineer it into something usable or just treat it like a black box?
Well, assembler isn't quite C source code...and I have no clue what anything in that file does.

Let me ask you, though. Wouldn't it be more interesting and potentially less painless to work either on A) your own emulator in C (antime has the dev documents, you could theoretically build something), or B) analyze another C open source emulator? Can you really understand the assembly that good to do anything with it?

Also, "The Open Source Sega Saturn Emulator" is somewhat of a bad name. It seems to assume that this is the exclusive open source Sega Saturn emulator. A misnomer. Why not something like "GiriGiri Reborn?" or something usefully descriptive?