Wanted : Windowz 3.1 programs

I am looking for the programs sold as "Windows Entertainment Pack", they would be on your old windows 3.1 hard drive stored under


or even better if you have the original discs.

I need to get a hold of these files for a project. They are not very big and you could make a quick buck by selling them to me.
I have those files - they came on the "eleventh disk" in a pack of 10 Verbatim floppies. Eager for a game of Ski Free are you?
Ha ha! I spelled it "Windews" in the subject line.

Yep Curtis, I need Ski Free, Hangman and Taipei... I'll PM you.

Nostalgic flashback time!
Now it says "windowz"... what happened?

Anyway, I did check ebay without success...

All I really need is the HANGMAN program which is really small...

Any help?
Originally posted by jeff-20@Apr 25, 2003 @ 08:24 PM

I am looking for the programs sold as "Windows Entertainment Pack", they would be on your old windows 3.1 hard drive stored under


or even better if you have the original discs.

I need to get a hold of these files for a project. They are not very big and you could make a quick buck by selling them to me.

i have an sealed copy of windows 3.11.........if it helps...your welcome to it!!!!!
actually I have the original 3.1 and Windows 2.0 on original discs!

Windows 2.0 was amazing!

Anyway, this is all for collecting I guess. I just need the Hangman program, that's all. If you have an old computer, It would have been in the WEP directory for the Windows Entertainment Pack sold seperately.
Yeah...I played around with that for a while. I didn't like it - it didn't look like win 3.11 enough!

Took me ages to get used to 9X explorer too...
Yeah, I remember Calmira. It was cool. I love the nostalgic early look of windows. It was funny.

But SOMEONE must have these files on an old hardrive or disc. Are you guys just throwing stuff away as soon as something new comes out? In that case, give me all your Sega!
mine says 1998 on the manual... so I guess it is. I was retro and didn't even know it.

PREDICTION: Someday there will be a BIG collector's scene for old Windows programs!