i've never taken apart a 3do, so take this with a grain of salt (thou it applies to every cd-based thingymajoo i've seen)
inside the unit as a part of the laser assembly there should be a small plastic screw which is a POT that controls the power to the laser. You could try turning this up, thus getting a lil more juice to the cd laser, mebbe correcting this problem.
This is akin to the trick used to make a DC or Saturn read cd-rw discs.
If you try this, do it very slowly and tentatively, remember where it was originally set, and measuring the resistance across it before you start would be a good idea. Try decreasing the resistance by mebbe 5% or so.
I;ve heard tell of people revitalizing TurboDuos and Sega CD units via this technique, as well as tweaking older CD players to play cd-rs and rws.
BTW, if your 15 jap games are backups, it may just be the media you burned them on, in which case this whole post is in vain..