I've bought way too much stuff recently:
-Panzer Dragoon Orta (even prettier than I remember)
-Metal Arms : Glitch in the System (great sleeper hit, check it out)
-Sega GT Online (still haven't played it)
-Ninja Gaiden
-Crystal Xbox system
-FFXI w/hard drive (I only got it for the HD)
-Virtua Fighter 4 (yes Cloud, its a good game...)
-House of the Dead 3, Silent Scope Complete, and Silent Scope Gun (also works as shotgun for hotd3)
-ps2 network adaptor (still haven't hooked it up, need to find a good online game)
-socom 2 w/headset (got it for the headset)
-Viewtiful Joe, Wave Race : Blue Storm, and Eternal Darkness : Sanity's Requiem (Caught up on some old GC games)
I bought Halo 2 and Half Life 2 on their respective launch days and those have been eating up most of my free time... but I just finished HL2 so I don't think I'll be touching that anymore. And yes, the ending does suck.
Mal - When can we come play in your arcade?