What happened?

It won't be worth renewing if no one gives them any money and no one loads the page. I loaded it a while ago and noticed they have a whole lot of porn advertising on it.
Did you see that? Active members just hit 130. I've been watching it over the past couple of months and it was about 76 when I started checking it. Numbers must be increasing here.
Cloud121 said:
I haven't been posting much since the year began, and have only been showing up here and there since then, I've noticed the activity has really really dropped.

Yes it's sad, people get older and so move to other things. The fact that Sega no more makes consoles doesn't help.

I don't see anything with mal, Akuma, ExCyber, racket, and many others anymore. Most of the posting now seems to be Kuta, vbt, and Amon.

Sure I try to post new subjects but most of them got low success.

Lots of drama in my life lately. I'll post more about it later....

Hope you'll fne now 🙂

Jedi Master Thrash said:
We also need more first degree sources. Whenever something reasonably new happens (new console mod, new demo disc, etc), we're always just linking to a post on some other forum. We need to be the first forum all the news and events get posted on, and have other forums link to our threads.

It's hard to do and become a first degree source, it needs members greatly informed or who have rare things to share. About sources I put on posts it's mainly because I'm not able to write any good/long post as I don't write in my native language.
Kuta said:
Did you see that? Active members just hit 130. I've been watching it over the past couple of months and it was about 76 when I started checking it. Numbers must be increasing here.

Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I mainly popped back in to see if there was any new news on Wii NiGHTS.

That and my SFZ3 SAT disc got messed up. :-(
I'm here 🙂

But yeah, my site eats up a lot of my time.

But having a day job that blocks gaming sites (including this one and my own) and having a new house to keep up prohibits me from keeping up with all my old hangouts.

I haven't been to DCEmulation or some others much at all either.