What to do about a certain spam e-mail??


For a few weeks now I keep getting spam e-mail's offering me generic Viagra and Cialis.

The sender and e-mail address are always different and so are the links contained with in, there is this huge image that says "Remove Me" and it always links to a different address but brings up the same page: A blank page that has a spot to put your e-mail address and Name etc... I don't belive this is acutally a remove from list form at all and instead is a site that harvests active e-mail account info and sells it to everyone else... I can't block the address because it comes in from all over the place and my school doesn't offer a user controlable block feature for certain lines in the subject of the message....

So what should I do to stop getting these?

some links that the e-mail's go to are:





and the list just goes on and on...

an example link to what the remove page looks like:


Looks like even more of a problem to me... any thoughts?
There is something I do... it works for me kinda

I have 3 email accounts.



and my SX email...

I use the aol one for any website that asks for an email to verify and I know they are harvesting my account.

I use gmail for websites that want my email and I want them to have it such as Ebay or Paypal.

My SX account I use for private emails between myself and friends (which is hardly ever), this works great because in a swarm of junk mail it would be difficult to find a real email that rarely comes.

My aol is FULL of spam, its so full that aol deletes my emails on me. my gmail gets some spam, but its not horrendous, their spam blocker sucks too! My SX account is completely VOID of any spam. NONE whatsoever!
Well what would you do if your one account was suddenly infected with a certain spam e-mail over and over again, as in my problem... what action would you take and how would you take it

the aol account was that account I had that was infected so.

So I got a new email, i think it was hotmail... I soon upgraded to the two I have now. and left that old one to rot away.

Just get a new email, send a mass email to all your friends that it changed and go and change it on all your accounts on the web that you want. It may take a little time but well worth it.

I've never trusted spam blockers... and in the long run they just don't work.
I do the same thing. If you have pop/smtp access get thunderbird and build some filters, with some work you can actually filter out a lot of spam. Due to the stupid people at the isp my company uses for work email I get tons of spam, but using thunderbird I filter most of it directly to the trash, and the rest ends up in the spam bucket.

I've got an email I use for signing up for stuff, one I use for ebay/paypal, one I use for personal stuff, and one I use for work.
My work email is probably my worst account for spam... we use NO spam blockers as the type of people we deal with would be blocked by them (remember, porn site). But the spam doesn't bother me much as we have to check it so often I only catch about 5 at a time and delete them manually immediately.
My work use to use aol email. Dear god, did we all get crap loads of spam. They finally changed to using an exchange server.

I'm the same way as lord of duct. I use different email address for different things. I had a hotmail address for many years. I stopped using it as I got about 40 spams a day.
Apple Mail has a nice junk filter as well. I'm lucky in that my ISP provides customizable SpamAssassin filters, and they work really well. I hardly ever get spam, and I've been using my current email address for about 7-8 years.
My old e-mail address, using my PoetsHaven.com domain, had to be shut down last year. The SpamAssasain filters were deleting over 2,000 spam messages per SECOND. It was simply overloading the servers, causing all my sites to lag. Oftentimes, they would make up usernames to send the e-mail to, so there'd be 200,000 copies of the same ad for viagra, or of the same phishing scam. We finaly just deactivated the e-mail SMTP port on the account. I switched to using another domain for e-mail, and made sure it wasn't easily visible anywhere. Also, instead of posting it on my site, I instead created a form for people to send me e-mail through. I haven't gotten a single spam on that account yet.

The only way to stop the spam is to change your e-mail address. And like Lord said, use a hotmail or yahoo account for when you think they'll sell your address for spam, then you don't ever have to check the account but once a month just to keep it open. Be advised, though, Hotmail, Yahoo, and even AOL will sell your address to spammers, despite their claims to the contrary. (How else do you explain a brand new, never signed on to AOL account having 36 spams in 12 hours, without having been listed anywhere, no member profile page, etc. Like I said, I'd never even signed onto the account yet, I simply created it.)
Ziggy: Click on a remove me link is a dangerous option. This relies on the spammer being honest, which most are probably not. On the worst case, by clicking on the remove me link, you might be saying, "Hey spammers, here's a real e-mail address for you" which means your email will be sold to even more spammers. Just my two cents.

P.S. - I use gmail, and I have ZERO spam problems. Yes the email is less than a year old, but still, I have no gripes.
I get lots of Viagra offers too. Maybe in 40-50 years I'll need to take them up, but right now, I'm solid as a rock.

{Not RIGHT NOW, but in general}

Mostly, I never get spam with my Gmail acoount. But I get these emails from Ebay even thought I dont have a account there, yet.
well from looking at the mail headers of each spam mail I can figure out where the original spam mail came from (or atleast so I think) it's never the address that is in the "reply to:" field but still points to a different IP address even though the e-mails all look very similar... I've signed up at www.spamcop.net and they have a nice service where they report to the ISPs of the websites that are sending me this garbage, time will tell if it does any good.
Originally posted by Zziggy00@Thu, 2005-06-30 @ 06:26 AM

and the list just goes on and on...

an example link to what the remove page looks like:


Looks like even more of a problem to me... any thoughts?

[post=136003]Quoted post[/post]​

Dont even reply / click any links in the emails / open any pictures (you can set this up in outlook to stop pictures appearing until you allow as letting the pictures appear verifies your account exsists if its linked to a website, clicking remove me usually just lets them confirm that your email address works and is in use they will just send you more or sell your email address on. If your using hotmail you can use junkmail filter and set it to high, on outlook you can setup a spam filter, e.g. block and delete if message containes various words or websites addresses.