Originally posted by WiseMan@Jun 12, 2004 @ 12:41 PM
do yourself a favour and DONT. it licks nuts.
Sonic Adventure DX :thumbs-up:
well i spose if u haven't played it a RENTAL would be ok...
yeh im still getting over my dissapointment on this one. I expected the gameplay to be on level with if not surpassing that of Sonic Adventure but sadly, no.
I really disliked Sonic Adventure.
Level design was really disappointing, everything felt unbalanced and like it was thrown together. The "adventure" ascept felt really out of place, and I really hated how there was little to no gameplay in some levels (you hardly ever got to actually do something other than push foward in Emerald Beach - and during the whole wahle scene you don't really have to push *any* buttom), and when there was some actual gameplay, it was either badly executed or plain buggy (the ruins level anyone?). The whole game feels like a prototype.
The only levels I really enjoyed playing were the Wind Mountain (even if it is way too short) and the final battle against Perfect Chaos.
Wrapping up, SA felt cheesy and cheap for me, and even the SMS Sonic games had better level design. I only played the DX demo, but Emeral Coast seemed the *very same* level. Camera still got stuck in some places, the whale part is still a simple cutscene and the only difference I saw were some higher res textures and the characters had more polygons to them.
SA2, on the other hand, was plain awesome. All levels well done (with the expection of Rouge levels' - they all had some sort of annoyance, design flaw or small bugs), most of them being fun to play over and over again, they implemented multiply paths (but there could be more), camera hardly got in the way, and gameplay elements actually worked properly.
If SH takes the same approach as SA2, maybe I'll like it.