What's your primary form of online communication?


Established Member
What's your primary form of online communication?

Just curious what all your guys use for most of your online communication.

Obviously we all use message boards at least some.

I probably do more than most people. I hang out at about 3 or 4 other boards regularly (but not as much as SX).

But email has to be up there too.

I do IRC on occassion, but don't get around to it too often.

I haven't done IM in years. I used to use ICQ back in '97/'98 but don't like it much anymore.

How bout you?
What's your primary form of online communication?

I guess forums are my primary communication outlet. This one is first and foremost, and I go to a number of others regularly.

After that I guess IM and IRC for casual conversation with a few friends, and finally email. Usually email is for uninteresting stuff like eBay transactions and mailing lists.

Anyone regularly use Voice over IP?
What's your primary form of online communication?

I use AIM but i find that most who use it shouldnt be allowed within 200 yards of a computer.
What's your primary form of online communication?

I use some message boards, MSN(6.1 release is really buggy for the webcam management) and sometimes (but really rarely) mIRC.
What's your primary form of online communication?

mostly AIM and then here at SX.

Why wont AOL add webcam support to AIM? that'd be sooooo cool. All the other messaging thingsdo it (like MSN, Yahoo)....damn AOL.
What's your primary form of online communication?

Seems like I'm in the same boat as most of us here - message boards, IM, e-mail, and a bit of IRC. I also do the occasional chatting through Soulseek so I guess that counts as well. I rarely use IM however, since I find it distracting to allow myself to be IMed all the time.
What's your primary form of online communication?

Jeebus, That thing in your sig looks like that girl from the ring
What's your primary form of online communication?

Originally posted by Gallstaff@Jan 18, 2004 @ 01:43 PM

I use AIM but i find that most who use it shouldnt be allowed within 200 yards of a computer.

You damn right! :D :cheers :smokin: :thumbs-up:

I mainly use Forums (SX, GameFAQs) IMs, and then E-Mail as my main forms.
What's your primary form of online communication?

I frequent a few message boards and use aim mostly. Steams built in IM is cool though I rarely use it. Every now and then I fire up irc but that's really rare.
What's your primary form of online communication?

Segaxtreme and Gamefaqs only. I hate IMing because I know too many people who use AIM. Because of my hateful nature I can't spend more than forty-five minutes with a single person or they will start to piss me off. :angry:
What's your primary form of online communication?

what turned me off is when random people would starting IMing me when I was working on something.

Even if it's people I know.

I just like the convenience of talking when I feel like it that email and msg boards bring
What's your primary form of online communication?

Originally posted by MasterAkumaMatata@Jan 19, 2004 @ 10:49 PM

I prefer to use telepathy: the teleportation of thoughts from my mind to yours. :lol:

I'm going to try and get better at bending spoons with my mind before doing that.
What's your primary form of online communication?

I used to use a lot of sarcasm, but I kept having to explain it to people. ;)
What's your primary form of online communication?

Originally posted by mal@Jan 19, 2004 @ 11:40 PM

I used to use a lot of sarcasm, but I kept having to explain it to people. ;)

You should try tagging your sarcasm like HTML:


What's your primary form of online communication?

To talk to my girl friend I use aim alot cause its long distance to call.. its only a 20 minute drive.. but it hasta cost me just to call hehe..

Communication with professors is done via email mostly..

and all the rest is done here at SX
What's your primary form of online communication?

Yeah, before we were married, my wife lived in CA and I was in MI when we weren't at school in FL. During summer and Christmas break, we used AIM every night instead of paying for a lot of long distance.

Unfortunately, when aguements brew unintended, emotions/attitudes can be read into text messages. When things got heated, I would have to make a phone call and straighten things out.