When did it become acceptable to fix your equipment in public?

I don't remember ever noticing this before. But now I've seen it 3 times in the last two months, done by people I should respect, at work and other important public functions.

Wha the? What's next? Breast feeding in public? Wait, I saw that earlier this year... terrorists? Sunspots?

There are alternatives. We don't need another reason for Jesus to kill kittens.
Are you refering to people rearranging their dangly bits for comfort? I havn't noticed much of that kind of thing happening but isn't uncommon and doesn't really bother me that much. If I need to do that in the presence of others then I will try and be discreet about it and make use of my trouser pocket if I have one.

As for breast feeding in public, that is quite acceptable where I live and I have seen it quite a bit at the shopping mall or in a resteraunt. Don't see anything wrong there.
Kuta said:
Are you refering to people rearranging their dangly bits for comfort? I havn't noticed much of that kind of thing happening but isn't uncommon and doesn't really bother me that much. If I need to do that in the presence of others then I will try and be discreet about it and make use of my trouser pocket if I have one.


Kuta said:
As for breast feeding in public, that is quite acceptable where I live and I have seen it quite a bit at the shopping mall or in a resteraunt. Don't see anything wrong there.

It should be acceptable. It was until formula (re: poison) was invented.