Where can I buy the things mentioned in the topic? I'm also looking for the Arcade Racer (the official steering wheel, think that's the name of it anyway
I've seen a couple of different Virtua Sticks, and I'm only interested in the black one, the same goes for the 3D-controlpad and the Arcade Racer.
Onlinestores, preferebly located in Europe (so there will be no taxes added to the prices once they go trough the toll(sp?))
But any store, anywere in the world, that has them (and are online) are of course of great value to me.
Note: I don't wanna buy anything from eBay or eBay-like auctionplaces.
I've seen a couple of different Virtua Sticks, and I'm only interested in the black one, the same goes for the 3D-controlpad and the Arcade Racer.
Onlinestores, preferebly located in Europe (so there will be no taxes added to the prices once they go trough the toll(sp?))
But any store, anywere in the world, that has them (and are online) are of course of great value to me.
Note: I don't wanna buy anything from eBay or eBay-like auctionplaces.