WTB: Shenmue 2, Headhunter, Total Control 5 Plus

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Originally posted by Zheræ@Apr 15, 2004 @ 08:36 PM

This store sells Total Control 5 and its right under you price budget 🙂

I e-mailed them to see if they were actually selling a Total Control 5 Plus or some similar knock off item. They never responded--it doesn't seem like a very reliable site. I'll just have to make do with other adapters for now.
I emailed them too cause I want that cheap NiGHTS package since they only ship to the US I was asking why was that but they never replied back. It doesn´t mean much but its better to be safe than sorry, even tho the site looks alright..

There are Total Control clones I think Pelikan bought them out or something good luck find´em, you should have gotten the total control plus which has a VMU slot yours is the first one with no vmu slot.
ask them 'coz I got my 2nd one from them not so long ago.

apparently not all of items are on their web page...

Check out this bullshit: I bought this Shenmue II auction. Now I SUPPOSE it is worded to suggest this is a bootlegg game, but honestly all I saw was Shenmue II and $30 on the same page. Anyway today, I get in the mail 4 CD-Rs and a floppy disk with manual scans. Of course I call the guy on it, and I get this response:

Originally posted by so the guy says

ok number 1 you really should ask about purchases before you make a bid as

nowhere in my ad it stated it was an original game seeing as how there is no

NTSC version of this game that exists and if you did research you would know

that, It came as advertised and DOES WORK. If you can download it why didnt you

in the first place other than you probably wanting to copy it and send it back

which it states in my auction that there are NO refunds. This is bulshit, if you

do not want it i want you to mail it back to me, eat the shipping and then and

then only will i refund your money. Im not getting ripped off here and i did not

rip you off you paid for shenmue 2 and got it and it works....bottom line. And

before i do a refund i want positive feedback as i will leave for you before you

even mail it back as i will not refund if you are going to post negative

comments anyways. Thanks and we can resolve this as my feedback shows im an

honest ebayer.
Originally posted by dj898@May 3, 2004 @ 06:49 PM

ask them 'coz I got my 2nd one from them not so long ago.

apparently not all of items are on their web page...



EDIT: The guy says they sold out.
That is total BS. You should report that prick to ebay. I love how he states that he's an 'honest ebayer', and that his feedback proves this, right after he tells you that he won't give you a refund if you leave negative feedback. He DID state that it came with 'box, four discs, and instruction manual', which obviously is not the case. It just goes to show you that a high feedback % doesn't mean much; I find the content of the negative feedback is often much more revealing. 'Item arrived late' usually isn't too much to worry about, but 'seller was verbally abusive', which is the negative this guy has, is pretty telling.
This guy is showing you no respect. He is shitting on your plate and telling you to eat it. I would send him an email telling him "Your offer is unexceptable". Ask for a full refund plus shipping. Also tell him that the item will not be return and will be destroyed. In addition he is to give you positive feedback about "fast payment, blah, blah". You will give him neutral feedback "Item not as described"(after you get money back). Do not threaten him with any form of retaliation. Also tell him to reply immediately to your email. You are trying to negotiate. Alway use proper english and correct spelling in your emails to him(you want to be mature and educated). You currently have him willing to pay back your money so work with that and get what you want. If he declines your first email, offer him positive feedback for what you want. Your final offer could be to returning the item if he pays for it to be shpped back.

I don't see why this mofo isn't shitting himself. He is clearly breaking the law. He even admits that its an illegal copy in his email. He is not allowed to sell any illegal item on ebay. He is not allowed to sell any illegal item in the US. This criminal should be reported to the authorities. At less you should be able to get his account removed for ebay.

Scum like this make me so mad. The feeling of helplessness I get when something like this happens makes me want to get on a plane and hunt this mofos down. I would love to meet this person face to face. I would see how willing he is to re-emberse me after I break his thumbs :smash .
Originally posted by so I says to the guy

I changed my mind; I'm not wasting any more time or money sending you your worthless item back. If you are worried about me getting a free game and ripping you off I'll destroy the items and send you a snapshot of the remains. You are hardly in any position to make demands. If you refund the full payment of $35, I'll make your feedback comment reflect how you handled this transaction from this point on.

Secondly, your ad was very misleading, it says, "This auction comes with box and 4 discs + instruction manual." That suggests you are selling the original copy of the game, and even if it didn't that's not what I got, I got 4 discs crammed into one paper sleeve with a floppy disk.
Good job. I hope that stupid mofo takes your generous offer.

OMG I was looking at his feedback to see why others had not given poor feedback and I noticed the items he is selling are all bootlegs of a movie still in theaters.

The people buying the bootlegs are also scum. Stupid ebay!
Damn... The same thing happened to me.

Only in my case, it was a gift from a family member, so I couldn't really return it. I just felt cheated, as I had nearly begged for Shenmue II for Dreamcast for my birthday, and I got a pirated game... 🙁

I just caved in and bought it on Xbox.
In case anyone cares this finally got sorted out--sort of. Sidenote/ I bought Shenmue II right when it came out and the jackasses sent me a cracked case. I managed to keep the OCD under control for a couple of years, but suddenly it just became to much and I ordered another copy. That's how this whole mess got started. There's a message here: take your pills, and don't sell bootlegged games.

I've actually had pretty good luck with eBay up until recently. Before this I bought a brand-new sealed Xbox for $125 (this was before the price drop, so it was even more of a steal). Anyway the auction was for a quantity of 20 and she only had like 4 so everyone else got ripped off.
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