Dee Dee Planet beta released for Dreamcast by pcwzrd13

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"It was developed by Dori Dock and it's a fun little action-arcade game with a gameplay similar to the Worms series. A release in Japan was scheduled for August 10, 2000. However, due to technical issues, it had to be postponed."


Sega Saturn Shiro article on how DeathMask on PC uses the same codec as the...

Undumped Sonic Pachinko game that supposedly runs on Dreamcast hardware

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Maybe related
"Regulation 7 Dreamcast pulled out of a pachinko machine in Japan."

Night Warriors Darkstalkers Revenge - Half-transparency Hack by Meduza Team

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- Translucency of the character state panel (health bar, damage bar, panel background).

- Semitransparent background of energy bar.

- Semitransparent background of win statistics window.

- Semitransparent background of "Special" window.

- Semitransparent...

Mac exclusive upgraded Japan-only version of The Typing Of The Dead posted...

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"This is a Japan-only upgraded version of Typing Of The Dead which was also released on Windows. The upgrades include new minigames and a new feature where you can compete against a clone of yourself. The Mac version also has the characters carrying compact...

R-rated Dark Savior Saturn beta pics on twitter

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