Sakura Wars 2.0 translation update patch released

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-Lip syncing now works.
-Sprite glitches during battles have been fixed.
-Battles now feature new smaller menus.
-The Script has received an editing pass.
-Menus in the theater mode have been translated.
-Koi-Koi Wars menus and graphics have been translated...

Unfinished Xeno Crisis Sega Saturn port by anonymous Segaxtreme user

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Recently a Segaxtreme member shared a unfinished port of Xeno Crisis that runs on real hardware so I decided to make a video of it, sadly I won't be posting the iso of it cause the game is still being sold so it would be a hot potato for us if we did that...

X-Men vs. Street Fighter for Megadrive undumped as of June 2021

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"There exists a Mega Drive/Genesis version of "X-Men vs. Street Fighter". It's rare and is currently undumped. It differs from the SNES version in that the Mega Drive/Genesis version uses the Mega Drive fighting engine, the same sound engine and a Chinese...

Some sweet recent Cdda hacks of Megadrive games

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Recently I bumped into the zeldix forum, here you can find various cdda hacks of Megadrive games, some have been deleted elsewhere but are still uploaded here, I recommend grabbing them all for archiving since they are on filelockers that will be dead in a...

Outback Joey dumped

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Hey - just wanted to post my dump of Outback Joey. You'll need a new-ish nightly of BlastEm to play it, as it requires emulation of the HeartBeat Trainer peripheral. The peripheral controls are mapped to X/Y and Z/C on the six-button controller...
Segaxtreme Meetup pics from 2007 (56k warning)
Segaxtreme Meetup pics from 2007 (56k warning)
  • 505
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Found these on an old hard drive


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  • GDMenu/OpenMenu HD Theme Manager (All-In-One Package)
    GDMenu/OpenMenu HD Theme Manager (All-In-One Package)
    Simple to use app for changing the default background of GDMenu and make/apply themes to OpenMenu
    • RazorX
    • Updated:
  • Tower
    A basic proof of concept tower defense game.
    • EmeraldNova
    • Updated:
  • Minesweeper
    The classic game recreated for the Saturn.
    • EmeraldNova
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  • Forsaken Plane (Original)
    Forsaken Plane (Original)
    A quick roleplaying dungeon crawl. Use your arsenal of weapons to fight Goblins and escape the cave.
    • EmeraldNova
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