Saturn emulation on PSP in the year 2021 (from piss slow to slightly playable)

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"Let’s be clear, this is a large improvement over the Yabause 0.9.10 builds that were floating around the internet before this one was (re-)discovered. But that does not mean you will be able to play Sega Saturn games on your PSP. Or at least, not easily."...

Huge SSF based Saturn music archive by Knurek

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"Maintained & updated by a "Knurek" with contributions by other extractors, this archive contains a huge wealth of video game music data from countless games"

Thanks to Corvusdeux for the tip.


Use this to play the music files:

Sega Rally Pro Drivin', a hack of the model 2 arcade version where the...

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"A Kyle Hodgetts game, Sega Rally Pro Drivin was an unofficial hack where the celica is now red, all three tracks are reversed and a turbo button has been added. It also suffers from issues such as in practice mode the cpu car still goes the original route...

Crazy Taxi prototype dumped featuring new camera modes

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Taisen link cable support found in US version of Doom

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EU/JP versions of Doom had link cable support but it was made inaccessible in the US version, well now Mattfrie1 over at Doomworld managed to find a action replay code that unlocks it, but it's still untested so feel free to be a pioneer.

"It appears that the link-up modes are still potentially...

DoomFS2 by dgrubb - another attempt at making a good Doom port on Saturn

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"The Sega Saturn recieved an official port of DOOM which suffered from a very low frame rate. The hardware appears well-suited to the mixure of pseudo-3D and sprite based rendering but the developer...

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