Server maintenance
Server maintenance
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There were updates to the server earlier today, please let me know if you run into any problems. Quite a bit changed, if you're unable to access the forum for whatever reason please tag me in the SegaXtreme discord. I may be slow to reply, but that's absolutely normal...
Site style
Site style
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I've set the site style to the forum default for the time being, it appears site registration was broken after the last XenForo update with the previous theme.

I'll switch it back once I have some time to fix it.

Saturn Action Replay Plus 4M Auto Dual Boot Mod

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Hey guys here is a simple mod i have done to my Action Replay 4M Plus cartridge so i can dual boot the Action Replay firmware as well as the Pseudo Saturn Kai Lite firmware or a different firmware, For anyone interested here is the guide i've done.

This guide is for Action Replays with 2x...
Some megadrive mini news !
Some megadrive mini news !
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sega revealed a part of the titler list here :


[RELEASE] Heart of Darkness
[RELEASE] Heart of Darkness
Panzer Dragoon Saga: An oral history
Panzer Dragoon Saga: An oral history
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Polygon published a long story about the development of Panzer Dragoon Saga, based on interviews with several former Team Andromeda members.

Link: Panzer Dragoon Saga: An oral history

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