A little page I put together


Established Member
Its not really SEGA related, but i played alot of videogames during the writing of it....

This is my daily calendar from work over the last year, I work graveyard shift and i would put in comments on a daily basis for the day crew to read. It was the only way they actually got to know me, and why they think im crazy.

Keep in mind again, I work graveyard, so I am supposed to sleep during the day, but rarely actually do.

My infamous calendar

i know, its angelfire... but its free. Also the pics are on a different server so that way my angelfire accounts bandwidth is only but 50k if you view the entirity of the whole site.

Oh and check out the comic if you want a quicker glance then the whole calendar... its the shortest thing, and the reaction that everyone has given to me for it is hilarious. a stunned puzzeled look on their face its great.

HEH, 24 views, and as i suspected the same results i get around the office... "WHA!?!?!?!?!?!?" and a calm of silence is the general reaction.
Actually, I checked it out the other day and I was going to post, but I was at work at the time and I forgot to check back later. Anyway, I like it. You should turn the work into a children's book or something.
I moved the website... and i am updating it tomorrow with alot more content hopefully. My friend lent me his domain name and everything... he doesnt use it anymore and it just sits around doing nothing. This is so cool, no adds.

GRRRRR... the fucker went down... dont know why? it worked like an hour ago, then it just put an extra subfolder in for NO F'ING reason. i gotta fix that. Less its this god awful IE. It did work on mozilla though. Please tell me if anyone in here has a prob looking at the daily planner. See im REALLY new at html. yeah, i know, gay.