An idea for a new CD access LED mod

I am just voicing my ideas really, I was looking at the version 2 cd access light mod and have thought up a new idea that I think i might try.

Rather than drill a new hole for a led I think I will replace the exisitng power led with a multicoloured led. A multi coloured led simply combines a red and green led in one and by varying voltages to the two imputs you get the entire red - green spectrum, With a bit of simple wiring to the exisiting mod switches involving some resisters I could get the single led to light different colours for different modes hows this sound

constant green - uk mode

constant orange - usa mode

constant yellow - japan mode

red flash - cd access

quite possible and certainly neater than adding a second led.

I have also been looking into vinyl dyes to mod the colour of my saturn. Not sure what to go for yet. maybe an all over red with White or grey buttons , or two tone affair. Maybe a grey , blue combo. At this rate i might not have time to play games on it lol.

Anyone here had experience with vinyl dyes?
Sure, I have to get my soon to arrive Saturn, region and CDR modded first (I am preying its a 32-pin ic version please please please lol) but if I get around to it I will definately post it. Shouldn't be expensive to do either. Just about 50p for the led and maybe 5p for a handful of resisters. The tricky part will be finding out the resister values to get good balanced solid colours.

What this space in a couple of weeks as they say
OK thanks very much, if its a 32 pin IC and a model 2 then you are set. I recently got one and I got a chip from Jandamans website and it was playing backups five minutes after opening the case, its really easy. I havnt yet tried to region modify my model 2 saturn as its a 32pin and I dont want to tempt faith killing it. I think i will just get another model 2 somewhere just to practice on. Anyway cheers
I was thinkin about this yesterday as well. I have no idea as to how to do it as I'm not very experienced in it BUT it'd be way sweet if u could get it to go.

Vinyl paint aye? wanna fill me in?
vinyl dye not paint. I was looking at a site , forgotten the link, that what i thought were painted consoles. Cool looking I thought but not practical, the paint would chip, flake peel etc I thought. But this is not paint its dye. Looks like paint, comes in spray cans like paint but it actually seeps into the plastic to alter the colour, how I assume they manufacture the consoles in the first place.

Great I thought i your consoles white you can change it to a darker colour but apparently its quite possible to go from black to a lighter colour, although this way round you would have to spray it white as kind of a colour primer and then go to the colour. I have yet to test it but i fancy giving it a go. if it fails i will just buy a dud saturn and swap the case lol

Apparently the finish is exactly the same as the plastic was before , the dye seeps into the plastic and does not form a coat. not sure on the science, I have seen pictures of modded saturns, dreamcast. ps2 and x-boxes that looked awesome, you'd honestly think they were manufacturered that colour.

I was going to paint a virtua gun black too but i just won a all black japanese virtua gun with virtua cop for £9.50 including postage so theres no need now, unless perhaps I mod it to gun metal colour lol. I have just also won a White boxed official backup ram cart too, the possibilites are endless.

just spent 15 miuntes and can't find the link, now i wish my browser history cache wasn't set to 0 lol

Do a search on modded x boxes, dreamcasts and n-cubes as there seems to be a popular mod scene colouring them.

edit - found the link at last, only one picture in the saturn section but plenty of other console mods

Is it just me or is that keyboard ass backwards?

Thanks for the link BTW, real cool site. Lemme know of your findings cuz I am interested in painting all my SEGA consoles to all match. A theme of sorts. Would love something natural looking.
Originally posted by Pearl Jammzz@May 27, 2004 @ 05:55 AM


Is it just me or is that keyboard ass backwards?

mirrored picture..

anyways thats a great idea, altho i wanna change the led on my saturn to colour blue.. or iceblue.. that would be nice durin nighttime