Black Screen after segalogo on my pal DC

i eburned and after the segalogo the screen in black and nothing happend

if found a jojo pal fix an patched my iso but he says the file

size does not match, but i continued the patch and now i have stoill a black screen.

are there other jojo patches outhere ???

did anyone have the same problem or an idea ???

thanx a lot

sorry for my english i am german

Unfortunately (for you, that is) this site does not support the pirating of Dreamcast games

As listed under the title for the Dreamcast forum...

If you even mention copied games here you will be banned!

Maybe you will be banned, maybe not. But you won't get an answer to your question here, I'm afraid...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure came out in Europe, you should've got the PAL version
. Other than that, why not just use a boot disc?
The NTSC versions of JoJo are not SCART compatible, you can get round the black screen problem by simply using a composite or RF lead. VGA possibly would work too.
JoJo doesn't have (correct) VGA support. I was able to get an image with the "plug in after boot" trick, but the dimensions were wrong and there were some weird display glitches.