Communication port information

Which schematic? The pinout of the comm port connector is

1 - shell / NC
2 - Vcc
3 - SCSP Rx
4 - SCSP Tx
5 - Master SH2 Tx
6 - M Rx
7 - M SCK
8 - GND
9 - Slave SH2 Tx
10 - S Rx
11 - S SCK
12 - GND
Excellent excellent. 😀 The exact info I needed to test the 5v line with my custom connector. Best news is it actually works 😀

I'm trying make my DaVinci 2.0 Duo print like it had a 0.18mm nozzle when in reality it has a 0.4mm one which is pretty standard for printers. I'm going to continue to try to tweak my design so it can be printed on cheap printers,

Hopefully this will make the communication port more accessible for people who want to use it for modding.


That was me who contacted you on thingverse, I printed and wired the 3d comm port connector .I found my way here.
Which schematic? The pinout of the comm port connector is

1 - shell / NC
2 - Vcc
3 - SCSP Rx
4 - SCSP Tx
5 - Master SH2 Tx
6 - M Rx
7 - M SCK
8 - GND
9 - Slave SH2 Tx
10 - S Rx
11 - S SCK
12 - GND

there are 11 pins by my count, and the schematics from the beginning of the thread show comm 1 and 2 as midi 1 and 2. But stop at comm 8. I see 3 from sh2 master 3 from slave and 2 from sound, but that's it. Isn't the ground the same as the controller port? Metal plate inside
there are 11 pins by my count
Pin 1 is the metal shell/shield around the connector. It is completely omitted from the service manual schematics, marked as "NC" in the old reverse-engineered schematics, but measured as GND on two different model boards I have. This may have varied by board type.

Since we have access to real service manual schematics nowadays, there's little point in using the reverse-engineered ones except maybe as reference for some detail particular to the board version it was made from.
More goodies came in 😀


Pictured above is the pcb for the db9 version of the connector. I also have a JTAG 12 pin version but didn't get the connectors yet.

Need to make a new plastic case for the connector and a couple of stencils for the solder paste needed for the spring connectors.

Things are getting hectic at work though so it might be a while before I get to do it (2+ weeks).
Looks slick @zone66x! I see you've made it sturdier too, with 2x3 vs 1x6 pins. Really nice to see you're still working on this. Meanwhile I've printed your 3D model for the comm port, turned out great (with the right settings) but I still need to order some connector pins 🙂.
Thanks @NightBreeze ! Glad you were able to find some use for my 3d model what are you planning on doing with the com port?

It's been a long time coming but I finally getting there with my com port design. It's been a challenge but then I wouldn't be working on this if it wasn't Hopefully this will result in a good enough design to be able to meet people's needs.
Glad you were able to find some use for my 3d model what are you planning on doing with the com port?

For starters I'm thinking either FDD emulation (with a bit of help from @BrokenLizard's documentation) or SD Card adapter for backing up save games. I don't have any carts capable of that at the moment and I want to be able to backup my progress 😀. EDIT: The latter will require that I write some custom software for the Saturn as well, it'd be my first but it doesn't seem too complicated.

It's been a long time coming but I finally getting there with my com port design. It's been a challenge but then I wouldn't be working on this if it wasn't Hopefully this will result in a good enough design to be able to meet people's needs.

It looks really promising, I appreciate the effort you're putting into this!
For starters I'm thinking either FDD emulation (with a bit of help from @BrokenLizard's documentation) or SD Card adapter for backing up save games. I don't have any carts capable of that at the moment and I want to be able to backup my progress 😀. EDIT: The latter will require that I write some custom software for the Saturn as well, it'd be my first but it doesn't seem too complicated.

FDD emulation on SD card is already a thing and don't even require a communication port connector 🙂

Personally, I consider @zone66x project interesting to develop multiplayer games, because this is a solution way simpler than having to design a cartridge featuring external communication.
FDD emulation on SD card is already a thing and don't even require a communication port connector 🙂

I know there are carts with SD cards, but are you talking about something else? If yes, I’d love it if you could link me some resources. I’ve been trying to dig up previous works but I’ve yet to find anything relevant. The main reason I want an SD card in the comm port is the convenience of always leaving it connected and still be able to swap carts. Although, I realize it won’t be quite as elegant as the Dreamcast version since it can’t be powered via the port.
I was referring to Gamer's Cartridge ( PPCenter :: Saturn Cartridges ) which was linked in my previous message, but not super visible because of forums color theme.
It may not fit your needs because it uses cartridge port but it combines the features of Pseudo Saturn Kai, memory cartridge and FDD in a single cartridge.
Ah, sorry I missed the link, it is indeed indistinguishable on my phone in night mode .

I do find the comm port SD card a fun challenge to tackle, but to be honest if I didn’t already have a Pseudo Saturn cartridge I’d probably buy your gamers cart (amazing work btw). It’s on my wishlist but a bit out of my price range atm (factoring in customs and all that).
The link can't be noticed on my laptop too, sorry.
No problem for the Gamer's Cartridge : I don't force anyone to purchase my carts and just wanted to give information about it 🙂
Just a little update. Caught the plague but still alive 😀


Solder the pins to the PCBs. Ignore the gunk in between. I cleaned that off after lol


Soldered the two boards together.


Side view to show height of spring contacts.


Front view to show contact spacing relative to each other.

I've already tested it on the Saturn by measuring the 5V standby power on the DB9 shield as ground and it worked 🙂

Need to finish the case design for it to use it safely and then we're in business.



I made two. One needs to really pushed in or one of the pins don't connect properly. The other works better. If I were to get more boards I'd probably do a bit of adjustments. In the end it works which it what I was hoping for.

So technically with that connector you have full access to both master/slave serial and the midi.

I guess the adapter could be modified to allow standard USB communication to Saturn.

Would be nice to write a simple Saturn program to test the connector but I got zero Saturn programming experience.

So many possibilities so little time.