Excellent excellent. 😀 The exact info I needed to test the 5v line with my custom connector. Best news is it actually works 😀
I'm trying make my DaVinci 2.0 Duo print like it had a 0.18mm nozzle when in reality it has a 0.4mm one which is pretty standard for printers. I'm going to continue to try to tweak my design so it can be printed on cheap printers,
Hopefully this will make the communication port more accessible for people who want to use it for modding.
Which schematic? The pinout of the comm port connector is
1 - shell / NC
2 - Vcc
3 - SCSP Rx
4 - SCSP Tx
5 - Master SH2 Tx
6 - M Rx
7 - M SCK
8 - GND
9 - Slave SH2 Tx
10 - S Rx
11 - S SCK
12 - GND
Pin 1 is the metal shell/shield around the connector. It is completely omitted from the service manual schematics, marked as "NC" in the old reverse-engineered schematics, but measured as GND on two different model boards I have. This may have varied by board type.there are 11 pins by my count
Glad you were able to find some use for my 3d model what are you planning on doing with the com port?
It's been a long time coming but I finally getting there with my com port design. It's been a challenge but then I wouldn't be working on this if it wasn't Hopefully this will result in a good enough design to be able to meet people's needs.
For starters I'm thinking either FDD emulation (with a bit of help from @BrokenLizard's documentation) or SD Card adapter for backing up save games. I don't have any carts capable of that at the moment and I want to be able to backup my progress 😀. EDIT: The latter will require that I write some custom software for the Saturn as well, it'd be my first but it doesn't seem too complicated.
FDD emulation on SD card is already a thing and don't even require a communication port connector 🙂