Funny PS2 DVD Playback Ad.

Sheesh, Cloud makes one of his trademark fanatical "die PS2" posts, and Des goes into attack mode. The only time I even said PoS2 was when I was cracking on Cloud for asking for covers for what he terms the PoS2 in one thread, while he's trashing it here.

I will mention that the quality of the output from a PS2 isn't as good as a decent progressive DVD player. However, it typically plays them fine, and in most situations you won't notice the difference.

Gameboy is right though, had they actually mentioned PS2 - lawsuit. Legal action is how companies communicate their displeasure. That, and savage beatings.
Originally posted by Des-ROW@May 24, 2004 @ 05:47 PM

How stupid can people be?

"Funny PS2 DVD Playback Ad."

I watched the whole video, and unlike the rest of you, I missed the part when they explain that it was referring to the PlayStation2's DVD video playback.

I used my PlayStation2 for DVD video playback and had no issues, ever, and the only reason why I have a standalone DVD player is because I cannot play all region DVD on my PlayStation2.

Seriously, I cannot understand how senseless and stupid people can get with the "PoS2" hate.

Remember, insulting a system will not bring the Dreamcast back to life.

im in the same boat as you. the ps2 is the only dvd player i have and i have had NO problems. and ive played burned movies, original movies and even some hong kong movies. i guess people will bitch about anything.

btw, you do know theres ways to make the ps2 a region free player right? a gameshark being one of them.
The only problem I've had with PS2 DVD playing was I had to turn the volume on the TV almost ALL the way up just to hear anything, so the sound was all crackly. :puke: However I could care less, I bought a PS2 to play games not watch DVDs. I've got 3 good DVD players in the house, I'm not going to start bitching about how a gaming system doesn't play DVD perfectly.
well it's not always the DVDs it plays shitty....a lot of games will play shitty on peoples systems as well. Like I said, all laser-related.
This is really really funny...

The power of suggestion.

If the PlayStation2 did not get mentioned in the first place, NO ONE would link that video with the PlayStation2 DVD playback quality at all.

What the TVCM states is clearly simple, "Our DVD player is better than others, has no skipping issues", and nothing related with PlayStation2. Not everyone is against the PlayStation2, sure, some people who install modchips making their system ruin eventually are against it, but NOT companies who mass-produce DVD players.

Let me guess, now people will say that the PlayStation2 is the number one competitor with the SOKEN DVD players, right?

I originally bought my PS2 on realease date. I was a huge PS fan and have many games for it. I expected the same enjoyment from the PS2. However, hardly any of the games lived up to my same level of excitement.

From day one I had issues with DVD's. I had multiple DVD's that would skip and freeze. After about a year I got a new one. This one was a little better, but I still had issues. And after three years it completly quit working. I popped it open, cleaned it, and it works know just not as well.

This is the only console I have ever had to get two. Even my original PS still works, my sister has it. My original NES still works. All the work I've had to do is replace the original pins.
Originally posted by Des-ROW@May 25, 2004 @ 04:42 AM

If the PlayStation2 did not get mentioned in the first place, NO ONE would link that video with the PlayStation2 DVD playback quality at all.

I've always felt that the playback quality of the PS2 wasn't as good as a decent standalone unit. I didn't say it looked like crap, and if it skips like that, then the laser is probably on its way out regardless.

I just thought that it was entertaining, not at PS2's expense, but still funny.
Originally posted by mountaindud@May 24, 2004 @ 10:56 PM

The only problem I've had with PS2 DVD playing was I had to turn the volume on the TV almost ALL the way up just to hear anything, so the sound was all crackly. :puke: However I could care less, I bought a PS2 to play games not watch DVDs. I've got 3 good DVD players in the house, I'm not going to start bitching about how a gaming system doesn't play DVD perfectly.

theres a master volume control in one of the options. its in the part with digital out and such i believe (while playing a movie press select) . normally its on 0 and should be set to +2 or something like that. that would fix your problems.

and you people with skipping do know there were updated drivers released that fixed a LOT of the problems right?
But in order to get the updated drivers, you need to get the remote control. Have they ever offered those disks for free? I did bought my PS2 for DVDs and PS/PS2 games. I had held off buying a DVD player until the price dropped.
Originally posted by mountaindud@May 24, 2004 @ 10:56 PM

The only problem I've had with PS2 DVD playing was I had to turn the volume on the TV almost ALL the way up just to hear anything, so the sound was all crackly. :puke: However I could care less, I bought a PS2 to play games not watch DVDs. I've got 3 good DVD players in the house, I'm not going to start bitching about how a gaming system doesn't play DVD perfectly.

Wasn't a big reason for the success of the PS2 in Japan the fact that it had DVD "functionality"? If I recall correctly, it was one of the most inexpensive machines to watch DVDs in japan when it was released. The DVD "functionality" was really the only major hardware advantage the PS2 had over the Dreamcast. Most early PS2 games even look worse than games on dreamcast. And even new PS2 have a "dull" look in respect to colors when compared to games on Dreamcast or other systems like Xbox or GameCube.







Just look at the superb graphics, especially in the last picture.

Don't freak out on me now, the PS2 has some good games, despite the fact that there really hasn't been much of anything good lately.
Nothing good lately? What about Pop'n Music 9 or Beatmania IIDX 7th Style?

And, something more for me to add, comparing a system that was released in 2000, with current DVD players is something to really laugh about.
Neither of those games have come out in North America, at least not yet, and besides, I said that there "really hasn't been much of anything good lately" not that there has been absolutely nothing good lately.

Compared to DVD players released in 2000, the PS2 still leaves much to be desired (like good playback).
holy mother of crap

somehow I managed to edit your post with my reply, sorry it was honestly a mistake (although I have no idea how I did it because I could have sworn I pressed quote) :huh

I give myself the stupid award :damn:

- Zero 9
Something I just found at IGN -

"Video Quality

Let me start out by saying that the PS2 does an adequate job of displaying DVDs. For reference, I tried out the Bug's Life disc, which I think has some of the most amazing clarity ever put on DVD. I also threw in The Matrix, and Lost In Space. To be honest, some DVDs just did NOT want to play on this PS2, and I'm 99% sure that's because it's an import, and really isn't supposed to play Region 1 discs.

The PS2 renders colors fantastically, for reference, I usually throw the 'space-jump' sequence from Lost In Space at a player, because of the incredibly bright, washed out picture that's generated. Some players don't do all great of a job retaining picture detail in that scene, but the PS2 did it justice. The post-jump sequence also looked fantastic, with the space being as dark as it should be, and the blue 'clouds' standing out very well. A Bug's Life was as colorful as I always remembered, it, and gave my stand-alone player a run for it's money. Check out the circus scene as a great example.

The only thing I really could find fault with, and it's not something that you would probably even notice unless you did a side-by-side comparison, was that the PS2 almost seemed too crisp, it made scenes in some DVDs look as though there had been edge-enhancement done, when in fact there wasn't. It was almost too sharp, there was a definite harshness to the picture. But again, this isn't something that you'd really notice. Originally, I had the PS2 connected via the Composite RCA cable, and when I switched to the S-Video cable, at first it seemed like the Composite looked better, but that was probably because the loss in detail, that comes with using composite connections, was masking the harshness.

That being said, the PS2 didn't introduce any artifacts that weren't already there, aside from the aforementioned 'problem', it did a great job at rendering scenes, and handled fast-motion very well.

Anamorphic DVDs displayed on a 4x3 TV looked fine, with no noticeable 'jaggies' added to the picture. Credit sequences in films look as well as they do on a non-anamorphic DVD.

The PS2 does an adequate job of playing DVDs, and for most people, there won't be a problem at all. Just don't expect Sony S7700 quality out of this.


In this area, I could find no fault. As would be expected, the PS2 does a fine job sending out a bitstream for my decoder to handle. This isn't entirely surprising as all the PS2 is doing is taking the audio bitstream from the DVD and shooting them out the optical port.

It also does a pretty good job of taking a 5.1 signal, and converting it to a Dolby Pro-Logic signal, for this type of test I'll usually use the opening scene from Contact, as well as the worm-hole scene. The opening scene is pretty much the easiest to discern between the 5 different audio channels, while the worm-hole scene provides terrific bass. I'm not trying to say that there are not better sounding discs out there, but for these purposes, Contact will do just fine. The intro was as well defined as you could really want from a Dolby Pro-Logic track, The worm-hole scene, while subdued, still seemed very powerful. All that being said, it still didn't sound quite as defined as the native Pro-Logic track already on the disc.

Many have asked if the PS2 will support DTS, and the answer is yes. Although it hiccuped on one chapter of 'Ultimate DVD Gold', it played all of the other DTS chapters just fine, with no problems whatsoever. The DTS demo reel sounded fantastic.

Whereas I had minor complaints with the video, I really have nothing to complain about the audio whatsoever."

Anyway... who cares? PoS2 suxxx!

The review you posted mentioned the Sony S7700 which was released in 1999 or earlier.

Originally posted by Zero 9+May 25, 2004 @ 06:11 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Zero 9 @ May 25, 2004 @ 06:11 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Most early PS2 games even look worse than games on dreamcast.

And this means the Dreamcast was a better system, right? Ahahahaha~[/b]

Huh? I just included that because I thought the first argument someone would bring up is that the Dreamcast is less powerful.

@May 25, 2004 @ 06:54 PM

Is this really worth arguing about? :blink:[/quote] :agree
I dont htink so....all opinion. Also, since when has IGN been a good source? Neverm haha. Their reviews suck and almost all are biased to their respective areas.
Originally posted by Zero 9+May 25, 2004 @ 07:21 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Zero 9 @ May 25, 2004 @ 07:21 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-mal@May 25, 2004 @ 06:54 PM

Is this really worth arguing about? :blink:
:agree [/b][/quote]

I agree, some people are just stubborn.

Zero 9, please tell me that the Dreamcats is more powerful than the PlayStation2, I need something to laugh about.