GCN HDTV support...

Pearl Jammzz

Established Member
Asked this at NX and noone responded and only 8 views (I think 3-4 of em were mine, lol).

So I just got me this beauty and I want to know what HD modes the GCN supports. 480p, 720p, 1080i, etc.

Hope you all can help, thanks :)
Same here, all I've seen listed is 480p games. Even Xbox doesn't have many titles that go above that, but they use 480p a lot. Sometime next year I'm going to get like a 27" widescreen HDTV. I don't have room for much bigger, but it should rock for my Xbox and maybe the occasional PC game if I'm feeling froggy enough to play it off the monitor.
I love widescreen, mine is the normal ratio but it has an enhanced 16:9 mode that will trick the xbox into thinking it is playing it on a wide screen. All you get is the black borders, but it rocks.