<crunches on potatoes chips>
<looks around the thread>
<eats more potato chips>
<talking while grabbing into the bag>This shit got out of hand...all i did was publicly voice my opinon on one man, one mic, one sound, one point...and all of the sudden...<eats the potato chip> <eats>....all of a sudden...<drinks from his coke bottle>...all of sudden u got the funboys opening they mouths wit mota fuckin opinions, who invited you to the dance, nephews? Not a damn one, too many nephews on a court, that's a violation right there.
Now, u got plex, pm me, otherwise stay out the thread yo opinions come cheap..only the members get to speak on it baby and on the mods in my eyez and everbody else ain't got shit on it nephew, for realz, u can take that to the heart, bank, whatever east to the west to da north to da south baby, whenever, whatever, however, all you mods...ya'll better sit to the sidelines cuz this ain't your time baby, just ain't your time.
Matter of a fact, Blau and Mal...told ya'll i'll get you on the rebound, thought i was bullshitten but ya'll forget to reliazed that king kong ain't got shit on me. So, come on down to the rebound nephews, we'll settle up up the unfinished there.
<throws the bag away>
Now...I dont wanna have this conversation again.
<walks out of the thread while drinking his coke>