Lot less action on the board these days


Mid Boss
Since Ive been back I noticed alot less active members on it ...

Is it because all the beggars and jerks have been kicked of and the ftp section isnt as popular as it used to be ?

Iceman doesnt mind at all but what are your thoughts ?
Several people that kept things lively (usualy by starting flame wars) are gone. Honestly, I like it better this way, the discussions tend to be more civil and respectful. Granted, there's still some flaming and the need to lock or delete a thread here and there, but there's nowhere near the problems we had a ways back.
Seems fine to me!

Although I remember when I first registered three years ago (THREE YEARS! Better write up a big anniversary post on July 7...) there was a new post what seemed every minute or two!
I don't think so. Maybe it just seems that way because all the flamboyant characters are gone. :banana
Well, I've been here for what feels like forever and it IS waaaaay quieter now. Doesn't anyone else miss the drama that we used to have over here?

**hom hum** Mayb eits cuz its summer and people are doing better things. (I know, I can't believe it either.....)
Originally posted by Caelestis@Jun 15, 2004 @ 10:18 PM

Let's unban that Lethal Illuminati (sp?) guy.

He was fun.

He cracked me up. Always calling everyone nephew.
haha super yoshi was pimp. I am not on as much because summer is here and now there are things to do, parties all week, swim and play ball all day.....god the sun is kickin my ass. I am so beat right now you have no idea.
Originally posted by Caelestis@Jun 16, 2004 @ 03:18 AM

Let's unban that Lethal Illuminati (sp?) guy.

He was fun.

Pfft, not until I hear the rest of the story, and I can already see THAT isn't going to happen.
What is wrong with me

what is wrong with me

What do I think of me ?

Hate, hate your enemies

Save, save your friends

Find, find your place

Speak, speak the truth