Merry Christmas Everybody!


Staff member
I hope you all have a wonderfull Christmas! Here is hoping for a White Christmas!

Time to go last minute Christmas shopping then making some Christmas cookies!

We finally finished trimming out tree last night, a mighty 10' tall serbian tree. I'll get pictures of it later today 😀

Merry Christmas! :cheers


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Merry Christmas everyone!

Yeah I need to do some last minute shopping as well, but I DO have most of it done 🙂
Conform conform thats the way it be

dform deform the words you see

take a whip it smack the dip sh*t

wear my clothes all backwards

CONFORM CONFORM thats da way I talk

deform deform the walls with paint and chalk

take another whip it and just schtick it

i gotta goose step when I walk!
Originally posted by lordofduct@Sat, 2004-12-25 @ 07:11 AM


[post=126401]Quoted post[/post]​


It's not like it's even Christmas Day there yet. 😛
Merry Christmas to all. We opened gifts last night as we are going to see family tonight. I got Viewtiful Joe 2. That game is friggin sweet. I asked for that, Myself! Fitness, and HL 2.
I got Viewtiful Joe 2.

Better have been the GameCube version....

As for Lord:

Once again... I question why does a psycho have to be one of my best friends? 😉 :lol:

Here are some pictures of my tree:


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Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas tree is fibre optic.


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Originally posted by RolfWrenWalsh@Fri, 2004-12-24 @ 08:21 PM

As for Lord:

Once again... I question why does a psycho have to be one of my best friends? 😉 :lol:

[post=126420]Quoted post[/post]​

Heh, merry christmas bro... thatsa me the psycho with a 158 IQ cause i rock. why is it that way, the smart ones are crazy?

Merry Christmas all, have a wonderful day... i will be taking this day off to sleep finally!
Merry Christmas everybody! Uh, all 2 hours and change of it that's left for those in the Eastern time zone. I just got back from my grandparents' house. They've got a new Gateway, which is ironic because I "fixed" his old Compaq, which apparently was dropped at some point. CPU came halfway out of the socket, but of course being built like a silicon tank, it was fine. But hey, someone else in the family can make use of it I am sure.

I spent a full paycheck and then some on presents for others, but it was worth it. Last year I didn't have the opportunity to do that. My parents bought me some really nice computer speakers! Klipsch 2.1s. Most importantly, I got to spend some time with family members I rarely see. My grandparents aren't getting any younger, so I try and visit whenever I can.
Merry Christmas! I got a few games, a ton of other shit, couple movies, computer desk, candy of sorts (chocolate mostly, i dont even like chocolate), but the baby hasn't popped out yet. Has another month to bake anyways. 😉

Merry Christmas Everyone and to all a Good Night!
Hmm, day is coming to an end... FINALLY! Im at work now, got 8 more hours of it, gah. Atleast im getting 45 dollars an hour for it!!!! Today I spent NOT SLEEPING but instead answering god knows how many phone calls, visting my dad, got a digi cam, and wrestling some girl while drinking Patron. She was a mean lil' thing, she exhausted me, ehh that means other things will be long and exhausting too 😉

So, Merry Christmas all, can't wait till New Years! that means rent is due.
Rolf, damn straight it was the GC version. When given an option, I always pick the GC version of a game.

To everyone else, glad to here you all had a merry christmas. And I hope it all continues through the new year.