Ive decided to release my NeoGeoCDs on ftp-a. Im going to put them on Haukke's ftp for fast reliable service, each game will be bin/cue and cracked allready so they will be fully playable on the home systems. There are a few games however that I only have in ISO+MP3 format for now and I will also be releasing those on the ftp in bin/cue format to keep it simple burning for people and retain as much quality as possible....when I get the origonal I shall replace the bin/cue with a proper one asap. No sence in anyone complaining about how im doing this cause my mind is allready made. So every game shall be fully playable on the home systems....plus Ive ordered over 7 unreleased neo geo cds that I plan to give to you guys as soon as they come in from japan but its gonna be at least 2-3 weeks from now minimum Id say. I dont wanna give away all the fun in guessing what ive got in store for ya in the next couple weeks, but one of them is the very much looked for Alpha Mission 2!
and the rest are also really good as well.
Guess youll just need to wait and see....until then in a day or so, check on Haukkes ftp for some nice fully cracked neo geo cds. later....