Panzer Dragoon Saga is a 4 disc set game:
Disc 1: data track + 2 audio tracks
Disc 2: data track + 2 audio tracks
Disc 3: data track + 2 audio tracks
Disc 4: data track + 3 audio tracks
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr bgcolor="#333333"><td><font color="#FFFFFF">
Quote (
<font color="#FFFFFF">dgamer</font> @ April 26 2002, 1:23 AM)</font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#666666"><td><font color="#EEEEEE" size=2>Every time i convert the bin file to iso using yarc or bin2iso and i bunred at with Nero and Powertoys and it loads up fine and the intro FMV's play but when i press start to get to the menu and start a game or <font color=yellow>the intro FMV's finish it goes to the saturn music cd player screen</font>.</font></td></tr></table>
After converting the BIN to ISO, did you
make sure to extract the audio tracks to WAV files from the BIN as well (<font size=1>assuming you have a mixed mode BIN image</font>)? You can use
CDmage to extract the audio tracks by opening the BIN file with the <font color=yellow>Audio track image file (*.pcm, *.bin, *.img, *.bwi)</font> file type filter. If memory serves me correctly, I think you can use
Isobuster (or even
WinISO?) to open up that BIN file and extract the audio tracks to WAV files as well. If you didn't burn each disc with the audio tracks, that could be why you're experiencing problems after the FMV finishes playing.
With the ISO and WAV files ready in the same directory/folder, you can use
Lodger's Cue Maker to generate a cue sheet for you. If you need to
<font color=white>change the country code</font>, do so before burning.