Problems with Official 4MB Ram Cart

Try doing what was said before: stick the cart, pull it off a little, and test. Rince and repeat, testing slightly different positions.

If you get no results, your port might be busted, or you got a bootleg cart.

I have this bootleg cart that won't run X-men vs Street Fighter unless I run either Pocket Fighter or Marver Super Heroes first, start a match, open the CD door and then boot XvSF.
Originally posted by M3d10n@Jun 1, 2004 @ 06:03 AM

I have this bootleg cart that won't run X-men vs Street Fighter unless I run either Pocket Fighter or Marver Super Heroes first, start a match, open the CD door and then boot XvSF.

Seriously ????? :eek:mg:

I've heard it all now!!!

Saturn ownership is just a laff a minute isnt it :D

PS/ Mal..... I think the Dalai Llama would make a great moderator.....Can we send him a console & a few games just to get him interested do you think ?
I lent my carts to a friend to try on his sytems. Hopefully he will have better luck then I did. When I get them back, I'll try all this stuff out.