Radiant Silvergun


Mid Boss
Never did I think I would be willing to spend the money for this game. After downloading a copy and playing it, I came to realize how awesome it is. Is Ikaruga as good as it? If so, is it still available to import for the DC. Think games has become my #1 non-RPG fav. Thank you SX for bringing this game to my attention!!
Actually, I know a guy who wants to sell it. He asked me what I thought it was worth and I told him I would look into it. I am currentyl debating if I want to screw him on the price or not.
Don't be mean now Cecilia
At least Ikaruga goes for only half of what eBay sellers like to see for Radiant Silvergun... eBay being one place, btw, that should have Ikaruga, but I'd check out reputable online game retailers such as NCSX or videogameimports or even lik-sang and the like. Ikaruga still sells for about $50 to $60.
With a combinations of my GC, the new GC Gameboy player, and the GBA version I will in time be playing a Real copy without spending the $150 for the Sat version. If the Sat was a little less, I would get that one.
Radiant Silvergun, is awesome, I think one of the best shooters of all time, and Ikaruga is awesome as well.
I just don't know!

I want to try it, but I have a dial-up service so I probably wont be able to get in off the net.

People have recommended Mars Matrix and Giga Wing. And I did not enjoy either of the games! They were too chaotic. I felt like it was mostly hype.

So now I am hesitant about all the talk about this game. Is it really worth it?
Originally posted by jeff-20@Feb 21, 2003 @ 11:05 PM

I want to try it, but I have a dial-up service so I probably wont be able to get in off the net.

The game can be found on p2p networks, so there's no need to download it in one go.

People have recommended Mars Matrix and Giga Wing. And I did not enjoy either of the games! They were too chaotic.

It's certainly very difficult, but in my opinion it doesn't belong to the "manic shooter" genre. On the whole, the game moves at a much more slower pace than the Raizing/Cave games.

So now I am hesitant about all the talk about this game. Is it really worth it?

Well, if for no other reason you should try it to see what the fuss is all about. It's a decent shooter, but not my favourite (that award goes to Dangun Feveron for crazyness and R-Type Delta for playability). The game of the week thread has more opinions on the subject.