Saturn VDP technical documents in Japanese ?


Established Member
Is there technical documents (especially the ones regarding VDPs) available in Japanese ?
I'm asking this because translation is sometimes unclear in English version of theses documents.
I can re-translate some parts of the docs (not everything :D) if needed.

(Organizing everything about VDPs technical stuff in a wiki should be cool too, but I'm already busy enough by other Saturn projects ...)
You'd assume they exist, but I don't remember ever seeing any. Japanese sites also often link to my webpage. You could ask around on Japanese-language forums.

Since you speak Japanese, does the info on this site look reliable? If Google Translate is to be trusted, it's got some interesting tidbits like the SH2 being developed at Sega's request, and SGL starting out as the graphics code for Virtua Fighter Remix.

The Yabause wiki has hardware info that could be fleshed out.
You'd assume they exist, but I don't remember ever seeing any. Japanese sites also often link to my webpage. You could ask around on Japanese-language forums.

I asked google about theses Japaneses documents, but all the information I could get is that theses weren't leaked. Some reasons are that technical documents were mostly distributed in paper format to Japanese developers, while it was distributed in easy to leak file format elsewhere.

And, if you say that you never saw theses, and that Japanese sites link to your page (without linking to Japanese documents), then I guess that Japanese documents are not available on Internet :/

Since you speak Japanese, does the info on this site look reliable? If Google Translate is to be trusted, it's got some interesting tidbits like the SH2 being developed at Sega's request, and SGL starting out as the graphics code for Virtua Fighter Remix.

Well, this page is detailed enough to think that author were in relation with game development during Saturn era.
... But, the author also jokes that is site is full of false informations (here, in Japanese), so all the informations there can't be trusted without verification elsewhere, of course.

Here is the excerpt where it is dealing about SGL origin :

さて、SBL が家庭用部署で作られたのに対し、SGL は業務用の部署で作られています。

バーチャファイターは、業務用を開発した AM2 研がサターン版を直接作ったことが知られています。

この際、MODEL 1 ボードの V60 アセンブラプログラムから、SH2 のアセンブラに単純変換することで開発が始まっています。


すでに本文で書いていますが、MODEL 1 では 3D 演算はハードウェアが行いました。

そこで、サブ CPU にこの 3D 演算をエミュレートさせ、MODEL 1 のプログラムがスムーズに移植できる環境が整えられます。

このプログラムから共通化できそうな部分を拾い集めてC言語のライブラリとして整えたのが SGL の元となったもの。

より正確を期すなら、SGL は「バーチャファイターリミックス」から切り出して作られたように思います。

バーチャファイターの時には 3D 部分にはまだ多少バグが残っていました。



SGL を切り出して改良した成果が「リミックス」に再反映された、という可能性もあります。
VF2 の時には、すでに SGL が使用されているようで、スタッフロールに Special Thanks として、S.G.L. Team の名前が入っています。

Quick and dirty translation (google translation is probably more accurate) :

In opposition with SBL designed for "private" usage, there is SGL designed for "business" (=game development) usage.
Saturn version of Virtua Fighters was developed by AM2 R&D dept, who also developed SGL.
At that time, development started from Model 1 Board's V60 assembly transformed into SH2 assembly.
(It was written in magazines at this time, but as I don't have theses on hand now, I can't remember more details)
As I said before, 3d calculations were performed by Model 1 Board's hardware.
And, this 3D calculation algorithm was emulated on Saturn's sub CPU, easing the porting of the whole project.
And SGL was born from parts of theses algorithms converted in C language.
To be more precise, I think that this code was moved into SGL library during the time Virtua Fighters Remix was developed.
Because there still were some bugs related to 3D algorithms, and also because rotation background wasn't used in Virtua Fighters, while Virtua Fighters Remix has improvements regarding theses points.

Well, I don't directly know about this, this is just a conjecture.
Maybe the fact that that separating game and SGL code, and improving SGL was the origin of "Remix" in the game title.
In Virtua Fighters 2, SGL was already used as a library, because "S.G.L. Team" was listed in the Special Thanks page.

The Yabause wiki has hardware info that could be fleshed out.

Thank you for the info :) I forgot about yabause wiki.