I read it, but forgot it quickly afterwards.
Maybe SSB3 will have a tougher Metal Mario.

What I think would be an interesting idea is the fusion of Mario and Luigi; they can call it Marigi or something. You said before:
My friend keeps going on about how cool it would be to have Dragonball Z characters in it =P not sure how well it would work and they're not exactly Ninty made but yeah...he can dream
That might be the closest thing to DBZ besides characters and energy blasts. Now that would be a cool idea. They don't have to stop there, we could have Pikapuff (Pikachu + Jigglypuff) or Yoshi Kong (Yoshi + DK), or maybe a Foxco (Fox + Falco). The possibilties of fusion are endless
(Mario performing a Kamehameha Wave or a Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb) would also be cool.)
Hopefully Ness won't suck in SSB3, otherwise I won't use him again.
Yeah, that is always a plus. I had similar problems with a rental Mario Golf game. The game wouldn't save data, so I returned it to the store that same day I rented it. I owned a Gameshark that acted a similar way to that Mario Golf game; some codes were messed up in which they would freeze the 'Shark. Eventually, I got it to a point where it was stuck on one of those games that had a messed up code, and at that point it would freeze everytime it got to the menu screen. Most of the codes didin't work as it is, and I hardly used it; now it's somewhere in my room, torn apart.
Oh, you did post a thought about an old game that lost data for the Dreamcast on your last post that was erased, but I forgot what the game was called :?