Trouble installing HSF

hey guys I got everything situated now I got another dilema. After connecting my powr supply to the necesary things I am left with one extra head thing. I need this to connect my fans but I only got one. Each of my fans has an input sorta thing with holes on it and an output one with prongs on it. So there are two different heads on each of my six fans. Since I only got one direct wire from the power supply left, Could I like plug that into one of my fans then wire another fan to the prong headed lead of the fan plugged into thep ower supply and so on. Sorta like how you do with the 3DO by plugging one controller into another.
I know this is just writing so I cant tell your inflection in that but was that in any way sarcastic? Like that'll cause my fan to burn out or something? Oh and also, how do I make a fan spin backwards? Do I just install it backwards or is tehre an easier way. Like instead of sucking cold air in it blows it back out.
Youi just turn it around. And I have never had a problem stringing fans together that way. They don't use much power.
I tend to avoid using sarcasm (atleast online) because it leads to just that problem. Just make sure you have your fans pointed the right way (you want to blow in on the front, and out the back).
Hm well everything's all hooked up. Now just one more thing...

There are crapload of wires infesting my case. I mean I gotta string the fans together. It kinda looks like crap. Would you guys say that wire tubing is a good investmant? It's both practical and fashonable. It's just that I've seen some cases where they over-do it and it looks like a scene from alien with all those pipes and tubes and shit.
Zip ties are your friends. They keep cords in a nice straight line and grouped togethor to allow maximum air circulation. USE THEM! -_-; that being said I have too much stuff in my pc, I'm thinking about building another pc to use as a combination dvd/cd burner and network storage, cause I have WAY too much stuff in my pc.
Damn I need a fan controller this thing is loud as a bitch I gotta run like 3 fans at a time to keep the noise to a minimum. Now the question is what three fans? I got one on the front blowin and one on the back sucking. Now what should I do with my side and/or top fans?
I'd not bother with either - just keep it running with the two, monitor your temps and see if they are too high or not. Three fans is overkill and, as you point out, noisy.
Not overkill depending on how your system runs. To keep my temperature (idling at 43.5C right now) I need to have 4 additional case fans.
I have to agree. I use 3 fans plus a ceiling fan in the room. I use 3 fans just to keep my temp at 45C. The room is a very hot one. Even with the window open. The number of fans you need all depends on where you live and the rooms clilmate. I live on the 3rd floor in a building in Minnesota. During summer, no AC in this room, the temp can reach 90-100 in this room.
And I live in california... where in my room the temperature can reach over 100 with the ceiling fan on, 2 fans on in my room, the house properly closed up (windows etc.) and the ac on, and htat's just outside my pc ^_^;.
Hey hey hey I'm almost done. I Just have one more question. After installing everything but my optical drives (they're installed just not hooked up to the ribbons) I'm having a little more trouble. I am using the gay ribbons that came with the computer cause my new rounded ones arent here yet and I hooked up my hdd to the master device fine. And I got the floppy ok I think but the only way the other end of the ribbon fits into the floppy is if the red stripe is facing away from me. I heard the red stripe has to always face towards you. Is that right?
Ok but it just DOESNT on the floppy so would it still work? I should also mention maybe that the floppy is like 5 years old.
When you power up the pc if the floppy light is on constantly then you got the cable backwards. If not then it's fine. Floppys are really forgiving in this way so don't worry too much about it.
I once had my floppy cable in backwards for 9 months without knowing (The led was dead or something). Went to use the floppy... it didn't work, I flipped it and it did.
Heh cool I got it. But now one more thing. I got that usb wire that's got two usb heads and 2 other heads which are one pin each. WHere do these go i mean... how are the pins on the mobo labled where these heads go?